and Uphues, and of Brentano's theory of the Intensity of Sensation.] Berichterstattung, Besprechung, etc. ARCHIV FUR SYSTEMATISCHE PHILOSOPHIE. Bd. iii., Heft 3. S. Witasek. ' Beitrage zur speciellen Dispositionspsychologie.' [Con- siders the nature of the mental disposition corresponding to the shape- qualities of Ehrenfels, the " fundierte Inhalte " of Meinong. Deals especially with the question how far such dispositions are formed and developed by practice ( Vbung}.] A. Marty. ' Granirnatisches, logisches und psychologisches Subject (Schluss).' [Maintains the general coin- cidence of grammatical and logical subject as against B. Erdmann on the one hand and Wegener, Gabelenz and Lipps on the other.] H. Schwarz. ' Uphues' Lehre vom Inhalt und Gegenstand.' [It is pointed out that Uphues treats the abstract form of reference to an object in general as if it were an operative factor determining the reference to specific objects. It is also urged that Uphues makes the specific modification of subjective consciousness in and through which an object is apprehended itself a kind of intermediate object. The writer's own analysis of the cognitive act is good and avoids these fallacies.] M. Dessoir. ' Beitrage zur Aes- thetik.' [Investigates the nature of " Psychognosis " that practical knowledge of men's minds which belongs to the man of the world and to the literary artist.] P. Natorp. ' Deutsche Schriften zur Erkenntnis- theorie, 1894, 95.' V. Brochard. ' Compte-rendu des ouvrages philos- ophiques publics en France, 1895.' PHILOSOPHISCHES JAHRBUCH. Bd. x., Heft 2. V. Frins, S. J. ' Zum Begriffe des Wunders.' [This, the first of two papers on miracles, attacks the theory that a miracle is, in every case, the action of an un- known physical law. Such a law could not, for example, account for the raising of the dead.] L. Schiitz. ' Der Hypnotismus.' [After having in a previous article described the phenomena of hypnotism, the writer goes on to prove that they are natural, by comparing them with the symptoms of various diseases, and those produced by certain stimu- lants.] X. Uebinger. ' Die matheniatischen Schrifteu des Xik. Cusanus. 1 [In this biographical article, the rest of the learned Cardi- nal's mathematical works are noticed. In conclusion, the writer dwells upon his union of theology with mathematics, and his theory of in- finitesimal quantities, the germ of 'modern discoveries.] A. Linsmeier. ' Inhalt der chemisch-physikalischen atomhypothese.' [This, the first of two articles, is little more than a compendium of the chemical laws and hypotheses concerning atoms and molecules.] RIVISTA ITALIANA DI FILOSOFIA. January-February. L. Credaro. ' Maurizio Guglielmo Drobisch ; Riccardo Enrico Luigi Avenarius.' G. Cimbali. ' Per 1'Insegnamento della Filosofia del Diritto in Italia.' [An important contribution to the history of the study of the Philoso- phy of Rights in Italian Universities.] G. Zuccante. ' Condotta Buona e Condotta Cattiva secondo lo Spencer.' N. R. D'Alfonso. ' Alimento e Educazione organica.' A, Valdarinni. ' Esperienza e Discorso in Leonardo da Vinci.' [The work of Roger Bacon did not bear fruit until the time of Leonard! da Vinci, whose method was not merely empirical, but scientific, inasmuch as he did not exclude reason and the application of mathematics from the study of Nature. It is by his Method that Da Vinci was the "glorious precursor" of Bacon. In addition to the interesting account here given of Da Vinci's Physics, there still remains room for his views on ^Esthetics and Art.] Bibliografia, etc.