June, 1897. Maldidier. 'Etude sur la Hasard.' ["Le Hasard est une interference quelquefois singuliere, ordinairement imprevisible en raison de la complexite de ses factenrs ou du trop grand nombre et de la variabilite des influences perturbatrices auxquelles ils sont exposes, en tous cas non intentionnelle et relativement contingente, quoique necessaire en soi k un moment donne et dans des circonstances donnees, entre deux ou plusieurs series causales reciproquement et relativement independantes." The article abounds in acute observations and criti- cisms.] F. Pillon. ' La philosophic de Secretan. in. Observations historiques et critiques.' [Criticises the theory of liberty as self-causation. Shows that this doctrine was not held by Descartes as Secretan supposes.] Notes et documents. Analyses et comptes rendus, etc. REVUE DE METAPHYSIQUE ET DE MORALE. 5 e Annee, No. 3. May, 1897. Delboeuf. ' Notes sur la rnecanique.' [A paper on the metaphysical aspects of the fundamental ideas of physics.] J.-J. Gourd. ' Les trois dialectiques. La dialectique religieuse.' [Religious dialectic has an object, but not a domain, proper to itself. Theory has the ' given world ' for its domain ; practice has the world which gives, i.e., the presentative, as distinguished from the presented, world. What then can remain for religious dialectic ? This question is treated at the beginning of the article, which proceeds through the discussion of several aspects of theology to the establishment of a " new point of departure ".] GK Remade. ' Recherche d'une nie'thode en psychologie (suite).' [Continua- tion of a former paper, for which see R. de M. et M., 1896, pp. 129-59.] A. Spir. ' Nouvelles esquisses de philosophie critique (fin). Essai sur les fondenients de la religion et de la morale.' [The main subject of this paper is the immortality of the soul : and its conclusion is that personal immortality is a chimera, as little desirable as credible, and not only inconsistent with probability but incompatible with genuine morality and religion.] Etudes critiques, etc. ZEITSCHKIFT FUR PSYCHOLOGIE UND PHYSIOLOGIE DER SINNESORGANE. Bd. xiii., Heft 1 und 2. J. Friedrich. ' Untersuchungen .ueber die Einfluesse der Arbeitsdauer und der Arbeitspausen auf die geistige Leistungsfaehigkeit der Schulkinder.' [A valuable paper : too detailed for anything but the briefest summary. Increase of work time is paralleled by decrease of work quality. Extent is to be replaced by intensity : pauses should come after every period ; we must decide whether the hour is not too large an unit ; heavy work must come first in the day ; afternoon work either to be given up entirely, or confined to easy topics.] K. Ueberhorst. ' Eine neue Theorie der Gesichtswahr- nehmung.' [Perception is the product of a specific mental activity, whereby a peripheral sensation is combined with an existing sensation to a peculiar unity : the two sensations being apprehended by an uncon- scious intelligence as symbolising the same object.] J. M. Void. ' Einige Experimente ueber Gesichtsbilder im Traum.' [Experimental question- naire. Just before waking the visual apparatus takes on, in a certain measure, the state in which it was just before the subject fell asleep.] M. Meyer. ' Ueber die Rauhigkeit tiefer Toene.' [Low tones are not themselves discontinuous : their seeming discontinuity proceeds from concomitant noises.] Litteraturbericht. Bd. xiii., Heft 3. F. Bczold. ' Demonstration einer kontinuierlichen Tonreihe zum Nachweis von Gehoerdefekten, insbesondere bei Taub- stumuien, und die Bedeutung ihres Nachweises fuer die Helmholtzsche Theorie.' [The range of audition (11 to 55,000 v.d. in the 1 sec.) is
covered by eleven tuning forks and three piston whistles. Gaps in the