die Tiefenwahrnehmung,' i. [Repetition, with bettered apparatus, of AVundt's experiments. Literature. Experiments, monocular and bino- cular, with successive comparison. The whole paper will be summarised later.] J. M. Baldwin. ' Bemerkung zu " Mental Development ".' VlERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FUR WlSSENSCHAFTLICHE PHILOSOPHIE. Jahrg. xxi., Heft 2. R. v. Schubert-Soldern. ' Uber die analytische Methode und die Selbstandigkeit der Philosophic.' [The function of Philosophy is to analyse concrete reality into its elementary conceptual components, and to determine what combinations of these are possible, and what im- possible.] W. Jerusalem. ' Uber psychologische und logische Urteils- theorieen.' [Restates author's classification of the forms of Judgment, and briefly vindicates his theory of the anthropomorphic nature and origin of the subject-predicate relation.] O. Krebs. ' Der Wissenschafts- begriff bei H. Lotze ' (Zweiter Artikel). [Lotze's concept of sense-ex- perience ; the material of knowledge ; was Lotze a transcendental or sub- jective idealist ? The significance of things for cognitive activity ; how can the subjective spirit be acted on by objects ? what is the relation of psychological process to logical thinking, and of metaphysical categories to logical forms ? The unity of consciousness, thought and language, and intellectual intuition, in Lotze's philosophy. The sense in which Lotze regarded " things " as instrumental in the development of know- ledge, and his view of cognition as dependent on the moral nature and destiny of man.] R. 'Willy. ' Die Krisis in der Psychologic ' (Zweiter Artikel). Besprechung, etc. ARCHIV FUR SYSTEMATISCHE PHILOSOPHIE. Band iii., Heft 2. M. J. Monrad. ' Das Ding an sich als Noumenon.' [The Noumenon is that which ultimately satisfies the demands of thought. This can only be the absolute reason which manifests itself in all appearance. A plea for the idealism with which we are familiar in England under the name 'Hegelian- ism '.] Benno Erdmann. ' Die psychologischen Grundlagen der Bezie- hungen zwischen Sprechen und Denken ' (Fortsetzung). [Deals with optical recognition of letters and words in reading. A very interesting account is given of the verbal imagery of a visualiser.l A. Marty. ' Grammatisches, logisches und psychologiscb.es Subject.' [A clear state- ment of Brentano's theory of Judgment, and a criticism of H. PauL The writer denies that questions, commands, and the like, are, properly speaking, judgments at all.] Jahresbericht fiber die Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der systematischen Philosophic : i. Paul Natorp. ' Bericht liber deutsche Schriften zur Erkenntnistheorie aus den Jahren 1894 und 1895.' II. E. G. Husserl. 'Bericht Uber deutsche Schriften zur Logik aus deni Jahre 1894.' in. Josiah Royce. ' Systematic Philosophy in America in the years 1893, 1894, and 1895.' Zeitschriften. etc. PHILOSOPHISCHES JAHRBUCH. Band x., Heft 1. Dr. E. Rolfes. ' Die Contro verse iiber die Moglichkeit einer anfanglosen Schopfung.' [Is the creation of the world in time an article of faith ? The writer takes up Aquinas' refutations of the proofs to the contrary, and finds them in- sufficient. He prefers to say that eternal movement is impossible, but the bare idea of creation does not imply time.] Professor Dr. J. Straub. ' Gewissheit und Evidenz der Gottesbeweise.' [In this, the first of two papers on the subject, the writer sums up the Scholastic doctrine of the different kinds of evidence ; he then sets forth the proof
of God's existence as First Motor, and the corollaries the aseity and