Skin.' [Limen of localisation much greater than with the ordinary method; movements in flexion are overestimated, and in extension under- estimated ; visualisation decreases the limen ; relative excursions of right and left hands, for movements judged to be equal.] E. D. Starbuck. 'A Study of Conversion.' [Questionnaire returns. Circumstances of conversion ; puberty and conversion ; analysis of the process, antecedents and central features ; cognate experiences. Summary : conversion re- garded sociologically and biologically, physiologically, psychologically, pedagogically. Contains a store of crude facts, which, however, need more thorough working over before they can be turned to scientific account.] Psychological Literature. Notes and News. EEVUE PHILOSOPHIQUE. Vingt-deuxieme Annee, No. 1. Janvier, 1897. G. Tarde. ' L'Idee d'opposition.' [Investigates the nature of our con- ception of opposition, its origin, and different manifestations in experience. Two terms are opposed, when we can go by a series of gradations from the one to the other, passing through an ' indifference ' point. The notion of a series is essential to the idea.] A. Naville. ' ficonornique et morale.' [Maintains the positive character of political economy as a science dealing with the actual and not the ideal.] B. Bourdon. ' Ex- periences sur la perception visiielle de la profondeur.' [Monocular vision does not give us the perception of depth. For this there is required the convergence of two eyes.] Analyses et comptes rendus, etc. No. 2. Fevrier, 1897. Pierre Janet. ' L'Influence sornnarnbulique et le besoin de direction.' [Discusses the characteristics of the hypnotic state and the precise nature of the influence that is exercised by the hypnotiser over his subject. The writer gives some interesting facts, and asserts that hypnotic suggestion is a valuable therapeutic agent.] ParodL ' L'Idealisme scientifique.' [Gives an account of the scientific and philosophic writings of M. Durand de Gros. The article deals chiefly with his physiology. De Gros held that mind and body inter- acted upon one another.] G. Tarde. 'L'Idee d'opposition.' [A con- tinuation of the essay begun in the January number. It classifies the different kinds of opposition.] L. Dauriac. ' Idealisme et positivisme d'apres M. Fouillee.' [A critical review of Alfred Fouillee's two books : Le mouvement idealiste et la reaction centre la science, and Le mouvement positiviste et la conception sociologique du monde.] Analyses et comptes rendus, etc. No. 3. Mars, 1897. P. Pillon. ' La philosophic de Secretan. I. Metaphysique et theodicee.' [Secretan based bis philosophy on the moral consciousness. With him speculation led to the same conclusions as religious faith. Freedom, human and divine, was bis catchword.] L. Weber. ' Le principe de non-contradiction comme principe dia- lectique.' [Deals with the nature of identity in connexion with a dialectic of thought. M. Weber criticises Hegel's Logic. The principle of non-contradiction must be accepted as an ultimate axiom. It is the regulative principle of dialectic, which consists hi removing contradic- tions. An interesting and able article.] ParodL ' L'Idealisme scientifique.' [A second article on the works of M. Durand de Gros. Describes his theory of reality. M. Durand held a Spinozistic position. Everything is regarded as the manifestation of One Reality.] Revue critique, etc. REVUE DE METAPHYSIQUE ET DE MORALE. 5 e Annee, No. 1. Janvier, 1897. J.-J. Gourd. ' Les trois dialectiques.' [Science, Morality, and Religion, i.e., theoretic, practical, and religious ' Dialectic,' each of
these is a work of skill or craft rather than of power. Their effect