fourth of the whole. It treats (1) of general questions, such as the nature of the soul, its relation to the body, unconscious mental process and psychological method; (2) of the structure and functions of the nervous system ; (3) of the simplest mental products. Under the last head the psychology of sensation is expounded. In the present instal- ment the author deals only with sight and hearing. At present only the first half of the first volume is before us. Full review must be postponed at least until the completion of this volume. But it is necessary to say that, as far as he has gone, Prof. Ebbinghaus has produced abso- lutely the best exposition of the psychology of sight and hearing any- where to be found. His treatment of the nervous system is also admirable. Uber physische und psychische Kausalitdt und das Prinzip des psycho- physischen Parallelismus. Von MAX WENTSCHER. London : Williams & Norgate, 1896. Pp. x., 122. The interaction of mind and body is maintained as against the fashion- able hypothesis of mere parallelism. The author has of course no difficulty in pointing out the logical fallacies of the doctrine of paral- lelism as ordinarily expounded, and especially the inconsistencies into which its advocates are apt to fall. His own view is that logical, mathematical, ethical and aesthetic relations are by their nature es- sentially distinct from and independent of mechanical relations. On the other hand, they determine action, and so affect the course of physical events. Thus the psychical independently determines the physical, as in impressional experience the physical independently determines the psychical. Lehrbuch der Psychologic. Von FRIEDRICH JODL, O.O., Professor der Philosophic an der Universitat zu Wien. Stuttgart, 1896. London : Williams & Norgate. Pp. xxiv., 767. This is essentially a text-book, and as such it possesses conspicuous merit. The arrangement is clear and systematic, the exposition lucid and definite, and the treatment throughout characterised by accuracy and soundness of judgment. Fuller notice will follow. RECEIVED also : A. Moll, Hypnotism (fourth edition, revised and enlarged), London, Walter Scott, Ltd., 1897, pp. xiv., 448. A. Seth, Man's Place in the Cosmos, and other Essays, Edinburgh and London, William Blackwood & Sons, 1897, pp. viii., 308. Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution (1894), Washington, Government Printing Office, 1896. pp. xl., 726. W. James, The Will to Believe, etc., New York, London and Bombay, Longmans, Green & Co., 1897, pp. xviL, 327. L. A. Selby-Bigge, British Moralists, Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1897, 2 vols., pp. Ixx., 425 ; 451. Sin Punished, but Sins Forgiven, London, H. R. Allenson, 1897, pp. 56. L. F. Ward, Dynamic Sociology, New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1897, 2 vols., pp. xl., 706 ; vii., 690. F. Pillon (publiee sous la direction de), L'annee philosophique, septieme
annee, 1896, Paris, Felix Alcan, 1897, pp. 314.