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Jahrg. xxi., Heft 1. R. Wahle. ' Die Ethik Wundt's.' [The his- torical treatment of the evolution of ethical principles, however valuable in itself, does not essentially contribute to the solution of ethical prob- lems. Wundt makes his own Ethics independently of such empirical data, though he is not aware that he is doing so.] O. Krebs. ' Der Wissenchaftsbegriff bei Hermann Lotze.' [Discusses (1) the content, and (2) the form of science ; (3) its metaphysical, teleological and logical pre- suppositions, as conceived by Lotze. The writer tries to show that Lotze's doctrines are fundamentally incoherent.] R. Willy. ' Die Krisis in der Psychologic.' [Psychology is in a bad way if it does not give up Metaphysics and take to 'Empirio-kritizismus' instead. Wundt is an awful example.] ' Was lehrt der iii. Internationale Psychologen-Kon- gress in Munchen ? ' [We gather that it was very unedifying.] ARCHIV FUR SYTEMATISCHE PHILOSOPHIE. Bd. iii., Heft 1. O. Schneider. 4 A. Stadler's Klassifikation der Wissenchaften.' [Criticises both in prin- ciple and detail.] J. Baumann. ' Wundt's Grundriss der Psychologic.' [Criticises the metaphysical side of Wundt's Psychology his monism and the fundamental importance he assigns to conation.] B. Erdmann. ' Sprechen und Denken.' (n.) [Discusses the varieties and preparatory stages of written language.] Paul Natorp. ' Grundlinien einer Theorie der Willensbildung.' (iv.) [An important article. The functions of the Family, the School, and the Common Life of Adults in educating the will.] (Other titles in last number of MIND.) RIVISTA ITALIANA DI FILOSOFIA. July-August. Q-. Zuccante. 'L'aspetto biologico della Condotta secondo lo Spencer.' [This article aims at showing the importance of Evolution to the biological basis of conduct. Biologically, pleasures are the " correlatives " of acts beneficial to the organism, pains the correlatives of acts hurtful to it. But as Spencer himself admits, this rule is not always true in experience, and the exceptions are explained by the " optimism of Evolution ". This leads to a comparison of Spencer's complete life, as the final result of Evolution, with Kant's treatment of the " Summum Bonum ".] A. Nagy. ' Fatti normali e fatti morbosi in psicologia.' [Discusses the relation of normal or physiological states to morbid or pathological. Four theories are criticised : (a) Physiological states are pleasant, Pathological painful ; (6) the Physiological tend to perfection of the organism, the Pathological do not ; (c) the former tend to preservation of the individual, the latter do not ; (d) the former tend to advantage of both the individual and species, the latter do not. The result of the criticism is that everything tending to maintain the status quo is pleasant, and the state is Physiological ; while, on the contrary, changes are pain- ful, and the state is Pathological. From the relativity of the feelings a relativity of the states may be inferred, and hence the distinction is one of degree, not of kind, and the two may be differentiated according to the preponderance of static (Physiological) or disturbing elements (Patho- logical).] N. B, D' Alfonso. ' L'educazione organica.' [The teacher should be acquainted with hygiene, the psychic side of man, biology, chemistry, and physical education.] ' II Neo-criticismo a proposito di tina ristampa ' [di un libro di C. Cantoni]. A. Chiappelli. ' Kelazione sul concorso per le scienze filosofiche.' Bibliografia : E. MorsellL

  • devolution sociale, par Beneamin Kidd.' Bollettino, etc.
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