ask: which is more likely that these moral facts should be mere illusions, or that a limit exists to the principle of Causality ? an interesting paper, which concludes with a plea for a qualified recognition of Empiricism in Erkenntnistheorie."] Eduard von Hartmann. ' Die letzten Fragen der Erkenntnistheorie und Metaphysik (Schluss').' [(a) The metaphysical foundations of Causality ; (6) Unity and Plurality. Under these two headings von Hartmann discusses the second, or metaphysical, portion of his subject. The essay is, to a considerable extent, occupied with a polemic against Konig, who has criticised von Hartmann' stheory of Causality, and found it to harmonise in important points with that of Lotze.] J. Freudenthal. ' Spinozastudien.' [The writer discusses the " Short Tractate," of which he concludes that it shows in form and con- tent more numerous and grosser errors than any other of Spinoza's writings. It is, however, a genuine work of his. The youth of its author was not the cause of its defectiveness : for he was twenty-six years old when he wrote it ; but it was written, not for publication, but for a narrow circle of friends. In its imperfect state, it came into the hands of a " redactor," who treated it badly, being an admirer of Spinoza, but unable to understand him.] Recensionen, etc. PHILOSOPHISCHE STUDIEN. Bd. xii., Heft 4. G-. W. Storring. ' Zur Lehre vom Einfluss der Gefiihle auf die Vorstellungen und ihren Verlauf.' [The influence of feelings upon ideas, in the normal and abnormal mind, when they are playing a part in the process of attention, and the ideas also are under the influence of attention. Experiments with voluntary move- ment : new apparatus. Constant error positive for pleasantness with flexion and unpleasantness with extension ; negative for the latter with flexion. Critique of G. E. Miiller and Miinsterberg. The influence of feelings upon the associative and reproductive processes of the normal and abnormal mind. They reproduce not directly, but by way of organic sensations. A strong affective tone which favours reproduction is more effective if connected with the reproducing idea.] Gr. M. Stratton. ' Ueber die Wahrnehmung von Druckanderungen bei verschiedenen Geschwindigkeiten.' [On the magnitude of the just noticeable change of pressure, with instantaneous and gradual alteration of stimulus. New apparatus. With the first method, Weber's law holds between the limits 75 and 200 gr. With the second, the change linien increases with decrease of the rapidity of stimulus alteration. If this is relatively constant, Weber's law holds. Interpretation : there are no ' change sensations'.] H. Eber. 'Zur Kritik der Kinderpsychologie, mit Biicksicht auf neuere Arbeiten.' [The method of child psychology is genetic, descriptive and physiological. Critique of Baldwin and Preyer : both represent a faculty psychology, Preyer undisguisedly, Baldwin in a form obscured by biological formulation. Current treatment of the ques- tions of conscious elements and the processes of conscious connexion.] VlERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FUR WlSSENSCHAFTLICHE PHILOSOPHIE. Jahrg. xx., Heft 4. F. Carstanjen. ' Nachruf an Richard Avenarius.' [An interesting sketch of life and philosophic method.] ' Berichtigungen zur " Kritik der reinen Erfahrung ".' S. Kableachkoff. ' Die Erfahrbarkeit der Begriffe gepriift an dem Begriffe der Erziehung.' [What a person characterises as ' experienced ' is merely what he himself recognises at the moment as his own experience. What this is will depend on his own pre-existing circle of ideas. This view is put forward as an outcome of ' Empirio-kritizisrnus '. But it looks like a knife which will cut two
ways.] (Other titles in last number of MIND.)