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PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW. Vol. iii., No. 5. Studies from the Psychological Laboratory of the University of Iowa. Gr. T. W. Patrick and J. A. Gilbert. ' On the Effects of Loss of Sleep.' [Three subjects were kept awake for ninety hours, and tested in various ways at regular intervals.] Studies from the Psychological Laboratory of Harvard University. (l.) J. E. Lough. ' The Relations of Intensity to Duration of Stimulation in our Sensations of Light.' [Within certain limits the intensity of sen- sation is proportional to the duration of stimulus : determination of point of maximal stimulus effect : loss of sensation intensity with dura- tions less than those producing the maximal effect : theoretical remarks.] (n.) L. M. Solomons and Gr. Stein. ' Normal Motor Automatism.' [Experimental proof that the hypothesis of ' double personality ' is un- necessary.] H. Griffing and S. I. Franz. ' On the conditions of Fatigue in Reading.' [Size and quality of type ; distance between letters and lines ; quality of illumination and paper.] S. I. Franz and H. XL Houston. ' The Accuracy of Observation and of Recollection in School Children.' [Older children more accurate than younger ; boys quantitatively more exact than girls ; relation of confidence to accuracy uncertain.] Discussion and Reports. H. M. Stanley. ' Remarks on Professor Lloyd Morgan's Method in Animal Psychology.' A. Allin and Bt W. Calkins. ' Recognition.' [Reply and counter-reply to Miss Calkins' review of Allin's theory.] A. Tanner. ' Community of Ideas of Men and Women.' [Both Miss Calkins' and Jastrow's experiments ignore the effect of habit.] Psychological Literature. New Books. Notes. REVUE PHILOSOPHIQUE. Vingt et unieme Annee, No. 10. October, 1896. V. Egger. ' Le moi des mourants : nouveaux faits.' [Discusses the conscious state of dying persons. A man, dying naturally, meditates on his past life during his last moments. If an accident has caused the impending death, one's past flashes through one like a dream.] H. Lachelier. ' Sur la formule logique du raisonnement inductif.' [The only type of reasoning is the deductive. Induction is a term employed to cover the different methods by which the scientist discovers hypo- thetical causal laws, and verifies his deductions from them. But none of the methods constitutes a new form of reasoning.] Lombroso (Paola). ' L'instinct de la conservation chez les enfants.' [The law of 'least effort ' governs all the manifestations of infant life. This law is of course subordinate to the law of preservation. The position is sup- ported by illustrations from child life.] L. Marillier. ' Le Congres international de psychologic de 1896.' [Summarises the papers read at the Congress.] Reviews, etc. No. 11. November, 1896. J. Payot. ' Theories du monde ex-

te'rieur.' [Criticises Mill's psychological idealism and Spencer's 'trans-

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