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VON JUL. BERGMANN, Die Grundprobleme der Logik. 251

more than adumbrate and suggest. He restricts himself to de- claring " the significance of the line of thought which led to the substitution of will as a world-principle instead of reason". For instance we read : Schopenhauer claimed in his principle of will to have united Thales and Socrates, the cosmical and the ethical order, to have found in nature a basis for conduct ; and cer- tainly " by placing the reality of human personality," not in any theory of subject and object, but in will or functional activity, he puts himself in line with the teaching of evolution, which points to attainment in the scale of being as the result of much struggle and effort, till the ethical man is developed for whom " to will endlessly is to aspire endlessly " (pp. 28, 29). We may, therefore, gather that what Schopenhauer overlooked was the fact that, in the untiring indomitable self-recuperating movement of will lies the very source and fount of a reasonable faith in the melioration of the race. As Professor Sully puts it, " the pessimist falls into the blunder of supposing that this will is the parent, instead of the natural and necessary foe, of life's misery " (op. cit., p. 210). Achievement may fall short of intention, both in quantity and quality ; but where men aspire there also they will achieve, and, in the long run, achieve in the cause of morality. Gotama discerned better than his first great western disciple the ethical import of this tremendous conational stream, and sought not to quench will but to divert it from mere will-to-live, that is, from being spent on mere quantity instead of quality of life. Energy, effort, aspiration and self-control were of no less account in his ethics than knowledge, insight and emotion. And we are not now going to get suddenly wise by substituting "pantheism for panlogism ". There are, as Professor Caldwell says, other things in the world besides willing and rushing and striving. But many would await with interest the fuller exposi- tion in a more purely constructive work of the issues involved in the juster standpoint opened up, according to these essays, by Schopenhauer. C. A. F. EHYS DAVIDS. Die Grundprobleme der Logik. Von JUL. BERGMANN. Zweite vollig neue Bearbeitung. Berlin : E. S. Mittler und Sohn, 1895. Pp. 232. THIS book is a second and improved edition of Dr. Bergmann's work bearing the same title, which was published thirteen years ago, in elucidation of parts of his previous book Heine Logik (reviewed in MIND, Jan., 1880). The present edition of Grundprobleme der Logik contains an Introduction of some thirty pages, and two Parts, namely (1)

Thought and Knowledge in general ; (2) Advance in Knowledge.

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