(the form generally employed) leads to absurdities. 25. And if we test the remaining form with four magnitudes, we again come to grief. 26. We must conclude, then, that the differentness of two divisible magni- tudes is equivalent neither to their absolute nor to their relative differ- ence ; though we should greatly prefer to work with the relative, if a choice must be made.] S. Reichard. ' Das Einfachsehen und seine Analogien.' [We see singly with two eyes : but we have analogies in hearing, smell and touch (sensory circles). All are cases of sensation simplicity with stimulation of distinct nerve endings.] Litteraturbericht. PHILOSOPHISCHE STUDIKN. Bd. xii., Heft 3. W. Wundt. ' Ueber naiven und kritischen Realismus.' (i.) [Realism is a catchword of the day. Philosophical realism is 'a knowledge, unsophisticated and un- sullied by any prejudices or arbitrary constructions, of the concrete reality (Wirklichkeit) contained in the world of experience '. Plainly, the philosophical discipline most nearly concerned is epistemology. The realist must go back to the original mode of apprehension of the thinking consciousness, to nai've realism ; and, that standpoint won. must subject his results|to critical tests, determining their prominence and significance : he thus advances to critical realism. One of the most important schools of realistic thought to-day is that of the ' immanent philosophy, ' repre- sented by Schuppe, von Schubert-Soldern, von Leclair, Rehmke, Kauff- mann. This school has missed the right road to the comprehension of the nai've consciousness, the road which lies open in the history of scientific thought. Its tenets are criticised under the headings : Im- manence and Transcendence, the Doctrine of the Subjectivity of Sensations, Subject and Object, Aprioristic Elements in the Immanent Epistemology, Identity and Causality, the External World as Conscious Content, Psychology and Natural Science.] C. EL Judd. ' Deber Raumwahrnehmungen im Gebiete des Tastsinns.' [Experiments by a modification of Weber's method : the second pressure is given by the instrument, instead of by the exploring hand of the subject. Literature is freely quoted, but has not been thoroughly assimilated.] P. Kiesow. ' Beitrage zur physiologischen Psychologic des Geschmackssinnes.' (rv.) [Temperature below the pain limit does not influence taste.] VlERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FUR WlSSENSCHAFTLICHE PHILOSOPHIE. Jahr- gang xx., Heft 3. Th. Achelis. 'Adolf Bastian.' R. "Willy. ' Der Ernpirio-kritizismus als einzig wissenschaftlicher Standpunkt.' E. Wachler. ' Zur Natur und Entwicklungsgeschichte der ethischen Erscheinungen u. Werthe.' M. Guggenheim. ' Nachtrag zum Artikel iiber Spinoza.' Heft 4. F. Carstanjen. ' R. Avenarius Berichtigungen zur " Kritik der reinen Erfahrung ".' S. Kableschkoff. ' Die Erfahrbarkeit der Begrifie gepriift an dern Begriffe der Erziehung.' E. Reich. ' Die Sozialethik als Lehrgegenstand der Hochschule.' (Analyses will appear in the April Number of MIND.) ARCHIV FUR SYSTEMATISCHF. PHILOSOPHIE. Bd. ii., Heft 4. J. Bergman. 'Wolffs Lehre vom Coniplementum possibilitatis.' C. V. L. Charlier. ' 1st die Welt endlich oder imendlich ? ' Bd. iii., Heft 1. O. Schneider. 'A. Stadler's Klassifikation der Wissenschaften.' A. Baumann. ' Wundt's Grundriss der Psychologic.' B. Erdmann. ' Sprechen und Denken.' (n.) P. Natorp. ' Grundlinien einer Theorie des Willensbildung.' (rv.) L. Stein. ' Ursprung und socialer Charakter des Rechts.' (Analyses will appear in the April Number of MIND.) PSYCHOLOGISCHE ARBEiTEN. Bd. L, Heft 4. A. Loewald. Ueber die Psychischen Wirkungen des Brorns.' [No influence upon the process
of addition, upon the central release of movements, upon the course of