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588 NOTE.

nun einmal, indicating that something is 'once for all' so, and there is an end of it, is rendered ' for the present ' (183, 18). Misunderstanding of the simplest constructions is frequent. We find den Prinzipien, die unser Bewusstsein zu gestalten vermag translated ' the principles- which may compose our consciousness ' (146, 6 ; die, ace. plur.. is taken as a nom., and constructed with a sing, verb) ; in dem gegebenen Inhalt der Erkenntnis (in the given content of knowledge), ' in the content given to knowledge ' (109, 24 ; the genit. der is taken as a dat. and the phrase- is rendered as if the order of words were in dem der Erk. geg. Tub. ) ; eine positive Charakteristik der letzteren zu geben (to give a positive description of the latter), ' to give that totality a positive character ' (117, 8) : Resul- tate, zu denen wir gelangen (results we arrive at), ' results that we are striving after ' (134, 22) ; die uns zugdnglichen Erscheinungen (the pheno- mena accessible to us), ' the familiar phenomena ' (138, 17) ; Der Entwick- elungsbegriff tritt auf, sobald es sich enveist, dasz . . . (The conception of evolution makes its appearance as soon as it is seen that ...),' The conception of evolution involves, as soon as it is proved, the idea that . . . ' (146, 6 ; the impers. neut. es is referred to the masc. subst.) ; jede bewusste Wertung besteht in einem solchen Vergleicfien (every conscious- estimate of value consists in . . .), 'every known standard of value is subject to . . .' (156, 10) ; Die Religion hat sich hier durchweg rezcptiv zu . . . verhalten (Religion has always maintained a receptive attitude towards . . .), 'Religion has in these cases usuallv held herself aloof from . . . ' (183, 18). Stichwahl (final or definitive choice) is in 138, 22,. and 143, 4, entirely misunderstood, and the latter passage rendered, ' pre- serve a neutrality between,' instead of 'make a choice between'. The above examples are less than one-half of my list, which would be doubled if all the passages were added which would have to be amended* before this translation of 200 small pages could be regarded as at all fit for publication. H. J. WOLSTENHOLME.


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