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theses preponderantly the visually representable. Explanation through examples from electrical science, etc. Theory an independent process as against observation and hypothesis.] Gteorg Wernick. ' Der Wirk- lichkeitsgedanke,' I. Artikel. [The objective and subjective beliefs of reality are two different psychical processes relating to the same content. Keality not originally a concept but a thought, which, like every thought, can be reduced to processes of representation. Rejection of the theory that the belief in reality is due to any feeling of necessity : it is, in a sense, a process of association. Relation between subjective and ob- jective reality, etc.] Paul Barth. ' Zu J. St. Mills 100. Geburtstage. ' [Mill a spirit from whom little splendour, but much light and warmth has emanated and will continue to emanate for cultured mankind.] Besprechungen. Selbstanzeigen. Notizen. RIVISTA FILOSOFICA. Anno viii., vol. ix., Fasc. iii., May- June, 1906. F. Bonatelli. ' Intorno alle attinenze tra 1'ideale e il reale.' [After a lengthy analysis involving some unproved assumptions the conclusion arrived at is that neither can ideas be conceived without realities, nor realities without ideas, but that the logical priority belongs to ideas.] A. Ferro. ' Meccanismo e teleologia (con tinuaz. e fine).' [The various doctrines of organic evolution have failed to make teleology superfluous. It must not, however, be confounded with the theistic argument from final causes. Kant was right in considering finality as a regulative idea rather than as a genuine explanation of nature. ] G. Delia Valle. ' Le nuove forme dell' etica irrazionalista.' [The irrationalist systems of ethics among which this writer includes Pragmatism agree in nothing but the rejection of reason and the appeal to instinctive belief. As positive teaching they vary from the most exalted mysticism to the crassest egoism.] A. Aliotta. ' La reazione al Positivismo.' [A review of Benedetto Croce's recently published Logic.] Rassegna Bibliografica,


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