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but still equivocal as regards form, does the inadequacy of the idea of form suffer change, according as the one or the other of the forms pre- sented by the complex is apprehended so that this variation of inade- quacy may be referred to the formation of the idea of the different forms,, as to the sole variable factor in the case ? By means of experiments- (inter alia, upon the Mueller-Lyer figure), the writer is able to answer this question in the affirmative.] Literaturbericht. KANT-STUDIEN. Bd. xi., Heft 2, June 1906. Bruno Bauch. ' Cham- berlains Kant.' [A severe criticism of this recent work.] P. Hauck. ' Die Entstehung der Kantischen Urteilstafel.' [A comparison of Kant's- divisions with those of Wolff, Baumgarten, Meier and Lambert.] W. Meinecke. Die Bedeutung der Nicht-Euklidischen Geometrie in ihren> Verhaltnis zu Kant's Theorie der mathematischen Erkenntnis.' [A de- fence of the Kantian position. The non-Euclidian geometry does not refute but complements the positions developed in the ^Esthetic.] E. Sulze. ' Neue Mitteilungen liber Fichte's Atheismusprozess.' Ebstein und Junemann. ' Ein unbekannter Brief Kants an Nicolovius.' Eecen- sionen, etc. ARCHIV FUR SYSTEMATISCHE PHILOSOPHIE. Neue Folge. Bd. xii., Heft. 2, 2nd June, 1906. Kurt G-eissler. ' Uber Begriffe, Definitionen und rnathematische Phantasie ' (Schluss). Viktor Stern. 'Ein neues Argu- ment gegen den Materialismus.' [That which cannot be inherited cannot' be material, for the power of acquisition by inheritance is a characteristic of all material phenomena. Materialism justified by all other psychical processes, but refuted by the existence of that which cannot be inherited, viz., knowledge.] Emil Bullaty. ' Erkenntnistheorie und Psychologic.'" [A long instalment of an article critical at once of Formalism and Psycho- logisrn. Experience free from assumption reveals itself immediately as- a consciousness and a world of phenomena forming, not the goal, but the starting point of epistemological and psychological investigation. Con- sciousness itself is free from all assumption, and in it must be found the motives for the assumption of inner and outer, subject and object. To- assume for consciousness itself motives created from it perverts the fundamental facts.] Berthold Weiss. 'Lamprechts Geschichtsphilo- sophie.' [Appreciative of Lamprecht's Moderne Geschichtsivissenschaft. Lamprecht's schema of psychological development from psychical dis- solution characterised by emotion and enthusiasm, by way of ra- tionalising tendencies to rational rigidity, justified in every region of" evolution. His work the opening of a new era in the writing of history.]* Max Freiacheisen Kohler. ' t!ber die Grenzen der naturwissenschaft- lichen Begriffsbildung.' [Critical of Rickert's view that a unique occur- rence cannot be dealt with by the concepts of natural science. Its- conceptual structure is not exhausted by mere abstraction and considera- tion of the universal. Many of the concepts elaborated by science satisfy the requirements which can be demanded for the investigation of facts. Discussion of the description of individual realities by the con- ceptions of natural science, illustrating from astronomy, chemistry, etc.}! David Koigen. ' Jahresbericht iiber die Literatur zur Metaphysik,' n.. (Fortsetzung). Neuste Erscheinungen, etc. VlERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FUR WlSSENSCHAFTLICHE PHILOSOPHIE UND- SOZIOLOGIE. Jahrgang xxx., Heft 2. Emil Koch. ' Uber naturwissen- schaftliche Hypothesen.' [Not a discussion of the value of hypotheses,, but a consideration of those features of most psychological interest.

Emphasises the importance of the visual in all scientific work. Hypo-

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