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one, where the fetches of imagination have been regulated into a quasi- science of ' Anticipations '. The very limitations yet appearing in this evolution of ' the nostalgia of that which we lack ' (p. 10) are of interest. Political, social, aesthetic and economic paradises have been constructed, but a polity wherein the cultivation, free pla.y and fruition of intellectual life shall dominate all other joys and interests is yet uncreate, save perhaps in Dante's Limbo ! But it is a grudged bone that he flings to Utopism in admitting that ' they squeeze out of reality what there is to squeeze ' (p. 360). He reproves that thieving fisherman who, when arraigned, called Alexander the Great only another thief on a larger scale, for not discerning that the laws against larceny did not exist for con- querors. But that notable fisherman is a sublime instance of the Utopist imagination which has visions, even on a lower plane of social evolution, of the higher law of social equity, years, even centuries, it may be, before that higher law takes shape in the actual polities of the world. C. A. F. RHYS DAVIDS. Received also : James Mark Baldwin, Thought and Things, a Study of the Development and Meaning of Thought or Genetic Logic. Vol. i. Functional Logic or Genetic Theory of Knowledge, London, Swan Sonnen- schein & Co., New York, Macmillan, 1906, pp. xiv, 273. G. R. T. Ross, Aris'otle, De Sensu, and De Memoria, Text and Trans- lation with Introduction and Commentary, Cambridge, University Press, 1906, pp. ix, 303. John Davidson, A New Interpretation of Her'>arfs Psychology an-l Educational Theory through the Philosophy of Leibniz, Edinburgh and London, Blackwood, 1906, pp. xviii, 191. Joseph Jastrow, The Subconscious, London, Constable & Co., Boston. and New York. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1906, pp. ix, 549. H. W. B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1906, pp. vii, 564. Norman Alliston, Reconnoitres in Reason and the Table Book, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., 1906, pp. 280. C. Comyns Tucker, On the Doctrine of Personal Identity considered with reference, to a Future Life, London, Longmans, 1906. pp. 31. " What i* Truth ? " The Gospel of Christ Contrasted with the Gospel of St. Paul, by a Woman, Clapham, Rangecroft& Co., 1905, pp. 124. B. Bosanquet, The Meaning of Teleology (British Academy Proceedings), London, Henry Frowde, 1906, pp. 11. L'Annee Psychologique, publiee par Alfred Binet, 12^">e Annee, Paris,. Masson & die, 1906, pp. 672. Charles Blondel, Les Auto-Mutilateurs ; Etude Psycho-Pathologique et Medico- Leg ale, Paris, Jules Rousset, 1906, pp. 132. Wilhelm Ament, Fortschritte der Kinderseelenkunde, 1895-1903, 2<*, verbesserte Aufl., Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1906, pp. iv, 76. W. L. Horowitz, Das Leben im Weltall, Braila, Im Selbstverlag des Verfassers, 1903, pp. xii, 227. Annibale Pastore, I Progressi e le Condizioni Presenti de.gli Studi in-

torno la Logica Formale, Finalmarina, Ardorino, 1906, pp. 32.

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