443 ie biological theory of selection as a key to social problems.] W. ailler. ' Das Raumproblem.' [Attempts to prove Euclid's axiom of parallels by projective geometry.] Becensionen, etc. BIVISTA FILOSOFICA. Anno vii., vol. viii., Fasc. v., November-December, 1905. A. Varisco. ' Lafinalitadellavita.' [Taking his text from Reinke's Philosophic der Botanik, the writer argues, against Beinke, that although the apparent purposiveness of living organisms cannot be explained away as a subjective illusion, we are not brought any nearer to an explanation of its causes by phrases about 'determinants,' etc., which merely repeat the fact to be explained under an abstract form. Modern thought dis- countenances the hypothesis of a personal designing Creator ; while to talk about ' immanent ideas,' or a ' universal subject underlying reality,' neither of which is conscious, amounts to no more than repeating that the organism is so constructed as to maintain and reproduce itself.] A. Pagano. ' La Sociologia e 1'insegnamento secondario e superiore.' [A plea for literary as distinguished from scientific education, and within literature for greater attention to the history of civilisation as distin- lished from philology.] A. Franzoni. ' Sul Nietzsche.' [A sum- lary of some recent German and French criticisms on Nietzsche.] Bas- Bgna Bibliografica, etc. Anno viii., vol. ix., Fasc. i., January-February, 1906. C. Cantoni. ' Sull' Idealismo Critico. Saggio di una difesa del sapere volgare.' [Common sense is justified by the highest philosophy in maintaining the existence of a reality distinct from thought. But an unthinkable reality would be self-contradictory ; nor can thought be con- 3ived as a product of its own object. Moreover, there is a knowledge ranscending experience, due to the spontaneity of mind, as even Locke Imitted.] B. Varisco. ' Fisica e Filosofia.' [Agreement is much larder of attainment in philosophy than in physical science, because there the power of convictions based on unreasoned experience is much reater. But even in philosophy ultimate agreement is not beyond all iope.] G. Vailati. ' La teoria del definire e del classificare in Platone i rapporti di essa colla teoria delle idee.' [Plato's ideas have some inalogy with the law of universal causation as employed by modern eience.] A. Pagano. 'La Sociologia e 1'insegnamento secondario e iperiore (continuaz. e fine).' [An able plea for making a good working cnowledge of how government is carried on part of a liberal education.] A. Faggi. 'A proposito di una Teoria Epicurea.' Bassegna Biblio- grafica, etc. Fasc. ii., March- April, GK Calb. 'L'Etica di Giorgio T. Ladd.' [' The merit of the American philosopher is to have seen that moral consciousness implies the unity of all the functions constituting personality ; his mistake is not to have seen that in the feeling of ethical approbation, and hence of obligation we have as it were a resonance of the whole personality in the exercise of its fundamental functions.'] CK Chiabra. ' La psicologia Matematica dell' Herbart e la psicofisica moderna.' [Chiefly an attack on the idea that mental phenomena can be effectively studied by quantitative methods.] O. Bonfiglioli. ' La gnoseologia di Tertulliano nei suoi rapporti colla filosofia antica.' [Ter- tullian follows the Stoics in deriving all knowledge from the senses.] A. Ferro. ' Meccanismo e Teleologia. ' [A plea for the reality of final causes based on the usual arguments in their favour.] O. Zanotti Bianco. ' Schopenhauer e la gravitazione universale.' [Interesting us showing that an Italian scholar can still be found who believes in the forged letters of Pascal published by Michel Chasles (p. 261).] Rassegna
Bibliografica, etc.