VlERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FUR WlSSENSCHAFTLICHE PHILOSOPHIE UNO SOZIOLOGIE. Jahrgang xxx. (Neue Folge, v.) Heft 1, 30th March, 1906. Siegfried Kraus. ' Ein Beitrag zur Erkenntnis der sozial- wissenschaftlichen Bedeutung des Bediirfnisses.' [Partly critical, partly constructive. Rejects the materialistic conception of History, and shows that the human individual, as the subject of desires and feel- ings, is purely determined by himself in his positing or his being, and that only his now-being or so-being, the concrete forming of his desires, appears determined by the rest of the world, his milieu. Discussion of the problem of the system of needs.] Richard von Schubert Soldern. ' Uber die Bedeutung des erkenntnistheoretischen Solipsisrnus imd iiber den Begriff der Induktion.' [Epistemological Solipsism does not assert that I alone exist in the world, or that I am the world, but only that all knowledge is locked up in the "Ich Zusammenhang " ; that I cannot attain to a knowledge lying outside the widest stretch of my conscious- ness. Discussion of the relation of the causal connexion to the solip- sistic and the methodological value of the latter. The importance of the episternological analysis (on the basis of the solipsistic connexion) for the theoretical and practical sphere. Discussion of induction.] H. Reybekiel Schapiro. ' Die introspektive Methode in der modernen Psychologic.' [Interesting review with criticisms of the views of Bren- tano, Comte, Erdmann, Rehmke, Volkelt, Horwicz, Exner and Wundt.] Besprechungen, Philosophische Zeitschriften, Bibliographic, etc. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHILOSOPHIE.. UND PHILOSOPHISCHE KRITIK. Bd. cxxvii., Heft 1. H. Siebeck. ' Dber musikalische Einfiihlung.' [The result of ' Einfiihlung,' according to Siebeck, is the conversion of an outward object into a subjective emotional experience. Now the pecu- liarity of music is that it gives this experience more directly than is possible with the plastic arts, for example. ' We do not begin by perceiving the object that excites the feeling in us, but we have, so to speak, an auditory intuition of the feeling itself. And it is the sum of the feelings so excited that produces the (aesthetic) mood in ourselves' (p. 12). Among other peculiarities unmusical lovers of art prefer their aesthetic enjoyments to be the reward of a certain effort.] Karl Andresen. ' Zur Begriindung des Theismus.' [E. von Hartmann is right when he postulates the existence of an irrational principle at the bottom of the world, wrong when he places that principle inside instead of outside God. Let him see his error and he will develop into a good theist.] W. Failler. ' Das Raumproblem.' [An attempt to prove that non- Euclidean geometry is based on the tacit assumption of Euclidean principles.] Chr. D. Pflaum. ' Bericht iiber die italienische philoso- phische Literatur der Jahre 1903 und 1904.' Recensionen, etc. Heft 2. G. Noth. ' Die Willensfreiheit.' [The writer supports freewill, chiefly basing his argument on our ability to strengthen certain motives by concentrating the attention on them.] Ludwig Goldschmidt. 'Beit- rage zur kr. d. r. Vernunft.' [An adverse criticism of sundry emenda- tions of Kant's text, which, according to the writer, merely prove that those who propose them do not understand Kant's philosophy.] H. Th. Lindemann. ' H. Taine's Philosophic der Kunst.' [The writer, who is an adherent of Benedetto Croce, treats Taine's aesthetic theory as a worthless survival of the metaphysical method, and more particularly of Hegel's intellectualism.] E. Dutoit. ' Bericht iiber die Erscheinungen der franzosischen philosophischen Literatur im Jahre 1902.' A. Vier- kandt. ' Ein Einbruch der Naturwissenschaften in die Geisteswissen-
schaften ? ' [A protest against the attempt of some recent writers to use