441 Illusion im 18 Jahrhundert.' [The author shows by reference to the views of Goethe, Schiller, Moses Mendelssohn, etc., that his Illusions- iisthetik is only a continuation of classical ^Esthetics which had been misunderstood by Lessing.] Hugo Riemann. ' Die Ausdruckskraft musikalischer Motive.' [A very interesting article dealing with the simplest elements, which are taken up into the greatest musical forms.] Georg Simmel. ' tlber die dritte Dimension in der Kunst.' [The third dimension not an inseparable accident of the painter's art the Japanese do without it. The third dimension not being optically visible the con- veyance of the suggestion of tactile values into a work of art enriches and strengthens it.] Hugo Spitzer. ' Apollinische und dionysche Kunst.' [These correspond to the division between affektfreie und mit Affekterregung einhergehenden Kunsiwirkungen. This first instalment of the article is occupied with a discussion of the definition of " Affekt ".] Theodor Poppe. ' Von Form und Formung in der Dichtkunst.' [The aesthetic form has no material existence, only certain material presup- positions. The technical form being the concept of those conditions which assure the material existence of a work of art. Endeavours to illustrate the process of poetical production, and discusses the medium in which the poet works.] Besprechungen. Schriftenverzeichnis fur 1905. Erste Halfte. [This is carefully classified.] ABCHIV FUR SYSTEMATISCHE PHILOSOPHIE. .Neue Folge, Bd. xii., Heft 1, 25th February, 1906. Kurt G-eissler. ' Uber Begriffe, Definitionen und mathematische Phantasie.' [The first instalment of an important article investigating the meaning of Definition and its relation to con- cepts and to fundamental facts or presentations. Seeks definitions of a point, a straight line, a parallel, an angle, opposing Hilbert and Frege's view of Definition.] B. Lemcke. ' De Voluntate. Metaphysische Axiome einer Empfindungslehre.' [Seeks to demonstrate an a priori knowledge of the will, and to exhibit the analogy between the axioms of Will and movement. Will is, in fact, movement known in a special, one- sided way ; and its laws must be derived from the laws of motion as the better known not conversely as Schopenhauer imagined.] Prof. Dr. Hoffmann. ' Exakte Darstellung aller Urteile und Schlusse ' (Nachtrug). Richard Skala. ' Bei welchen Tatsachen findet die wis- senschaftliche Begrimdung der Erscheinungen ihre Grenzen ? ' [In- adequacy of the materialistic explanation of feelings, desires, etc. Plea for their interpretation from within.] Bernhard "Wlties. 'Humes Theorie der Leichtglaubigkeit der Menschen und Kritik dieser Theorie, nebst Versuch einer eigenen Erklarung.' [Rejects Hume's explanation of credulity and traces the latter back to the child's identification of the meaning of a word with the reality of its content. It only slowly learns to separate presentation and object as reflexion develops, and in the credulous thought is still in a rudimentary condition.] Ernst Schwarz. ' Uber Phantasiegefiihle ' (Schluss). [Concludes a very interesting article. The Phantasiegefiihle undoubtedly real emotions intermediate between presentations and serious feelings.] Lorenz Pohorilles. ' Die Metaphysik des xx. Jahrhunderts als induktive Wissenschaft.' [Metaphysics if identical with epistemology has no future. Metaphysics upon an inductive basis is, however, assured of its position as a science for ever, and Dr. J. Sinnreich has prepared the way for Metaphysics as an inductive science by his Transcendentaler Realismus oder Kor- relativismus unserer Tage.} James Lindsay. ' Two Forms of Monism.' [Scientific Monism v. Spiritualistic Monism.] David Koigen. ' Jahres-
bericht Uber die Literatur zur Metaphysik. '