results from the co-operation of facilitation and predisposition (Einstel-- lung). Incidentally, the writer is able to show the influence of the Separate factors in the weight-complex : movement (articular) sensation, pressure, and strain sensation. Issue is taken with Mueller on various joints, as, e.g., on the effect of fatigue in determining the negative time error, and on the part played by judgment of absolute impression. The paper ends with methodological suggestions.] P. Stern. 'Berichti- [Beply to Duerr.] Referate : Einzelbesprechuiigen. KANT-STUDIEN. Bd. x., Heft 4 and 5, November, 1905. G. Gerland. ' Immanuel Kant, seine geographischen und anthropologischen Arbeiten.' [The concluding article of this series. In it Gerland expounds and gives a very destructive criticism of Kant's Natural History of the Heavens. It is quite wrong to speak of a Kant-Laplace hypothesis, or to describe Kant as the founder of modern cosmology. Kant's treatise is, in its main tenets, inspired by Wright's earlier work ; and, owing to its inherent defects, necessarily remained without important influence. Its value and significance are chiefly personal and philosophical. Gar- land concludes by consideration of Kant's later geographical and anthro- pological treatises.] M. Runze. ' Karl Bosenkranz' Verdienste um die Kant-Forschung.' [A brief account of Bosenkranz' various writings upon Kant and of his edition of Kant's works.] Becensionen, etc. Bd. xi., Heft 1. February, 1906. Q-. Huber. ' Graf von Benzel-Sternan und seine " Dichterischen Versuche iiber Gegenstande der kritischen Philo- sophic ".' [These verses inspired by the various fundamental doctrines of the Kantian system are here printed in extenso. They were first published in 1794.] M; Rubinstein. ' Die logischen grundlagen des Hegelschen Systems und das Ende der Geschichte.' [By an examina- tion of the logical principles of the Hegelian philosophy Bubinstein leads up to the conclusion that Hegel owing to his absolute standpoint fails to account either for history, for the moral consciousness, or for known personality.] F. Behrend. ' Der Begriff des reinen Wolleus bei Kant.' [An attempt to define what Kant, throughout his philosophy, means by the term ' rein,' as applied to thought and to the will.] W. Liitgert. ' Hamann und Kant.' [A review of recent works on Hamann. Liitgert collects the main facts which they bring to light regarding Kant's connexion with Hamann.] Becensionen, etc. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ASTHETIK UND ALLGEMEINE KUNSTWISSENSCHAFT, herausgegeben von MAX DESSOIR. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke, 1906. Bd i., Heft 1, M. 5. This is the first appearance of a periodical which aims at being the special literary organ of those who are scientifically active about questions of aesthetics, of whom there are a goodly number in Germany, and, one would hope, an increasing number in English-speaking countries. The present part contains ten sheets, and we are promised four parts per annum, of eight to ten sheets each, to constitute a volume. The Prospectus promises very good things, and, if the publication main- tains the standard it has set itself in its first number, it is not likely to complain of want of support, and may look forward to the prosperous career which we heartily wish it. The number contains the following articles: Theodor Lipps. 'Zur " asthetischen Mechanik ".' [Shows how certain simple lines proceed freely, or with innate necessity, from certain forces, tendencies, activities, etc. The aesthetic impression pro- duced by these lines is due to the synthesis of the feeling of these forces, etc., and this or that line is to be employed only where the thought of
such forces, etc., has meaning.] Konrad Lange. ' Die aesthetische