Bibliografica, etc. Fasc. iv., September-October. E. Juvalta. ' Per una scienza normativa morale.' [Ethical science cannot after all be reduced to a mere analysis of facts. It demands an ideal. The writer's ideal is absolute justice the giving equal chances to all citizens of enjoying the goods for whose attainment society exists. Egoism is no more reasonable than altruism, for reason does not prescribe ends but means.] CK Buonfiglioli. ' La Psicologia di Tertulliano nei suoi rap- porti colla Psicologia Stoica.' [Tertullian not only borrows his general materialism from the Stoics, but also various details of their psychology.] A. Pagano. ' Vicende del termine e dell concetto di legge nella Filo- sofia Naturale.' [The idea of natural law shows three historical phases. In the first physical uniformities are explained as divine volitions of an arbitrary and changeable character. In the second these volitions are conceived as invariable and necessary. In the third natural law is identified with the impersonal order of phenomena ; but while one school regards this order as a fixed necessity, another school regards it as merely contingent.] S. Montanelli. ' II Meccanismo delle emozioni.' [Disputes the theory of Sollier, according to which, as here described, emotion is the consciousness the brain has of its own sensibility.] F. Bonatelli. ' Multa renascentur (Apologo).' [Imagines a race of animals to whom light is a new experience, greatly puzzled to explain its nature, until a school arises which proclaims, to the satisfaction of all but a few, that there is really no such thing as light !] Rassegna Bibliografica, etc IX. NOTE. MIND ASSOCIATION. THE Annual General Meeting will be held in the University College, London, on Saturday, 2nd June, 4.15 P.M. The following gentlemen have joined the Association since the printing of the last number : ALTON (E. H.), Trinity College, Dublin. DAVIDSON (Dr. J.), High School, Stranraer, N.B. HARRIS (Rev. W.), Eaton Socon, St. Neots, Hants.
ROGERS (R. A. P.), Trinity College, Dublin.