PHILOSOPHICAL PERIODICALS. 291 Betrachtung von unten und von oben in der Kulturphilosophie ' (Schluss). [Concludes very much in the spirit of Eucken. Naturalistic methods based on a spiritual principle ultimately reduced to mere appearance ; whereas a more philosophical investigation disentangles the spiritual life from the empirical and sensuous and shows that it is a living, in- dependent reality. It functions and preserves itself in experience giving that its meaning and drawing it over to itself. The Reich ideeler Grossen not merely existing in reflexion, but an actual and increasingly conscious power in the governing of life. In dealing with logic, ethics and religion we have nothing to do with a naturalistic Betrachtung von unten, but grasp teleologies! necessities deriving from a triumphant spiritual reality.] D. Adolf Miiller. ' Quellen und Ziele sittlicher Entwickelung ' (Schluss). [Deals with the question of evil and the problem of develop- ment.] Dr. Ernst Schwarz. ' Uber Phantasiegefuhle.' [These not identical with weak serious-feelings, but qualitatively different. Wundt is wrong in holding that they precede the imaginary presentation : they are rather coincident with it. They do not, like weak feelings, have the power of strengthening dispositions of feeling.] Anna Tumarkin. ' Bericht liber die deutsche asthetische Literatur aus den Jahren 1900-5, iiL' Neuste Erscheinungen, etc. VlERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FUR WISSENSCHAFTLICHE PHILOSOPHIE UND So- ZIOLOGIE. Jahrgang xxix., Heft iv. Hermann Planck. ' Die Grundlagen des natiirlichen Monismus bei Karl Christian Planck' (Schluss). [Deals principally with Planck's ethical doctrine. Morality is conscious unity with the universal law and end of the world the law of Concentration. The highest possible creation is man or some similar being a central point formally governing the external world, in which the real uncon- ditional-materiality with all its forces has created as spirit the formally unconditional. To round things off it only remains to make mankind a perfect organism, and to do so we must have collectivism. The external, mechanical idea of the state must give place to the berufs- genossenschaftliche Selbstverwaltung. But morality has no extra- human aspect, after all, since man remains in opposition to Nature ; religious conceptions are banished, and his life is made a mere sportful product of eternally parturient Nature.] W. Schallmayer. ' Zur sozialwissen- schaftlichen und sozialpolitischen Bedeutung der Naturwissenschaften, besonders der Biologic.' [A protest against exclusive attention to economical questions, and a consideration of the principal arguments against permitting Sociology to be influenced by natural science, especially Biology.] Besprechungen. Zeitschriften. Bibliographic. RIVISTA FILOSOFICA. Anno vii., vol. viii., Fasc. iii., May-June, 1905. Q. Vailati. ' L'influenza della Matematica sulla teoria della conoscenza nella Filosofia modema.' [Deals, so far, only with the philosophers of the seventeenth century, omitting Spinoza, and explaining at length to what extent Leibniz in particular applied mathematical methods to philosophical constructions.] B. Varisco. 'La fine del Positivismo.' [Positivism may be out of fashion ; but the temporary vogue of a philo- sophy has nothing to do with its truth. The writer takes the oppor- tunity of reaffirming his own positivist convictions, illustrating them by a discussion on the question of determinism, which for his part he re- asserts, simply as a fact of experience.] O. Buonfiglioli. ' Tertulliano e la Filosofia Pagana.' [With all his contempt for heathen philosophy, which he regarded as part of a vast Satanic system, Tertullian found himself obliged to borrow its methods for the organisation of Christian
doctrine, choosing by preference Stoicism for the purpose.] Rassegna