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ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PSYCHOLOGIE UND PHYSIOLOGIE DEB SINNESORGANE. Bd. xi., Heft 3. R. Saxinger. 'Beitrage zur Lehre von der emotion - alen Phantasie.' [Elsenhans's generalisation and Bibot's abstraction of feeling have reference to the same emotional phenomenon, but to this phenomenon as observed in different contexts. The ' abstract ' feelings are feelings of imagination, attaching directly to substrate-ideas. This direct attachment must be explained from specific dispositions to feelings of imagination, actualised by the substrate-ideas. Desires of imagination differ from real desires in that they do not cease with the fulfilment of the imagination.] S. Loria. ' Untersuchungen uber das Peripherie Sehen ; em Beitrag zur Psychologic der Aufmerksamkeit. ' [Extension of Hemrich's work on the changes of accommodation in peripheral vision. The accommodative adjustment of the eye to paraxial distances is de- termined unequivocally by the position of the object, i.e., is independent of the distance of the fixation point ; the eye is paraxially strongly myopic, the myopia increasing with the angle of paraxial presentation ; the breadth of accommodation decreases with the angle of paraxial presentation, etc. The results are turned to account for the theory of attention and of range of consciousness.] W. Iiohmann. ' Ueber den Wettstreit des Sehf elder und seine Bedeutung fur das plastische Sehen.' [Consideration of the presence of rivalry in everyday life, and of the differences in this regard between central and peripheral vision, lead to the conclusion that the main condition of plastic vision is the (ordinarily unconscious) rivalry of the two monocular fields and the consequent apparent parallax of the objects lying before and behind the point of fixation.] Literatur- bericht. Bd. xxxix., Heft 1 and 2. W. Weygandt. ' Experimentelle Beitrage zur Psychologic des Schlafes.' [For such easy and customary work as addition, a half-hour sleep period gives complete recuperation. For more difficult work (memorising), a longer period is required ; the recuperation being, on the whole, proportional to the length of the sleep.] EL Giering. ' Das Augenmass bei Schulkindern.' [Estimation of visual extents does not improve during the school years ; oftentimes does not improve from the age of three onwards. Children from six years of age are, on the whole, subject to the same plane illusions as adults. In the absence of secondary criteria, children do not perceive monocularly differences of extent in the third dimension.] W. Nagel and H. Piper. ' Ueber die Bleichung des Sehpurpurs durch Lichter verschiedener Wellenlange. ' [Frog and owl retinas bleach out in the same way, no matter what the colour of the bleaching light may be. The result tells against Kiihne's hypothesis of a visual yellow.] W. Nagel. ' Dichro- matische Fovea, trichromatische Peripherie.' [Case of central Deutera- nopia (so-called green blindness), with normal periphery. The subject had passed various railway tests.] A. E. Fick. ' Ueber die Verlegung der Netzhautbilder nach aussen. [The projection of a single bright point in a dark field of vision is extraordinarily inaccurate.] Besprech- ungen. Literaturbericht. Bd. xxxix., Heft 3. K. Heilbronner. 'Zur Frage der motorischen Asymbolie (Apraxie).' [Discussion of cases (symptoms, aetiology, classification), with special reference to the work of Meynert and Siepmann.] Q-. Alexander-Schaefer. ' Zur Frage der Beeinflussung des Gedachtnisses durch Tuschreize.' [The primary memory image is always affected by a strong intercurrent sensory stimulus ; secondary images are not changed if they are stable and of long standing. Habituation frees the memory image, but cannot sup- press the motor reaction.] Literaturbericht. Bd. xxxix., Heft 4 and 5. C. Stumpf. ' Ueber zusammengesetzte Wellenformen : mit 2 Figuren- tafeln von K. L. und M". Schaefer.' [Discussion of figures, with hints of

possible applications to the facts of audition.] C. Stumpf. 'Differ-

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