REVUE PHILOSOPHIQUE DE LA FRANCE EX DE L'ETKANOEK. 30e Annee, No. 12, Decembre, 1905. Q.Dumas. 'Le Prejuge intellectualiste et le Prdjuge finaliste dans les theories de 1'expression.' [The expression of our various sentiments is essentially a biological fact and can be ex- plained by the variations of the muscular tonus and innervation hi a very much clearer and simpler way than through psychology. M. Dumas criticises two main tendencies in the theory of expression, i.e., the finalist tendency as represented by Darwin, and the intellectualist one as re- presented by Wundt. Opposed to both, he holds he has succeeded in explaining clinically and experimentally, from the physiological point of view, the expression of joy, of sadness, of anger, and of fear.] EL Luquet. ' Reflexion et Introspection.' [In psychology the aim of reflective consciousness is to discover the identical under the diverse : it endeavours to form a scientific representation of the inner world, copied from that of the external world, and this kind of artificial know- ledge is intended to serve practical purposes, as it does in objective sciences. Introspection, on the contrary, is disinterested, and its aim is to find again the differences under the common characters, to reach the immediate data of consciousness in their original fluency, spontaneity, and purity. Its nature is aesthetic rather than scientific. Science sub- stitutes symbols for the datum ; art alone tries to apprehend it in its reality for us. Reflective or scientific psychology is incomplete and therefore false, and must needs be completed by the introspective psy- chology. A valuable contribution to the study of method in psychology.] G-. Revault d'Allonnes. ' Role des sensations internes dans les emotions et dans la perception de la duree.' [An instructive account of observa- tions methodically pursued on an inmate of St. Anne's Asylum in Paris, who presents, along with a visceral anaesthesia, a total loss of the emo- tions. The author summarises the main results of his careful study hi the following psychological and philosophical conclusions : Visceral sensa- tions are the essential element in emotions. The feeling of concrete duration is nothing else but visceral sensibility. " La duree viscerale " is to be distinguished from " le temps intellectual infini " and from " la dure'e sensori-motrice ". Inclination is possible without any emotion whatever. The state of pure rationality, i.e., the activity directed by categorical imperatives void of emotion, is not a superior mental state, but a pathological one.] Dr. E. Jardieu. 'La Haine : etude psycho- logique.' [A descriptive analysis of the nature of hate and of its various manifestations. In the last paragraphs of the paper the writer makes an attempt, not without self-contradiction, to assign a value to hate, and to maintain its " rights ".] Analyses et comptes rendus. Revue des Periodiques etrangers. Table des matieres du tome Ix. Trente et unieme annee. No. 1. Janvier, 1906. B. Bourdon. 'L'Effort.' [In this short article, mainly polemical, the writer discusses Goldscheider's theory of the perception of physiological effort, and rejects altogether, first, the doctrine of William James and of other psychologists according to which there exists a purely moral or mental effort, essentially distinct from the muscular one, and secondly, the hypothesis which presents the sensation of resistance as the ultimate basis of our notion of an external world.] Dr. J. Rogues de Fursac. ' L' Avarice : essai de psychologic morbide ' (l er article). [First part of a very instructive study, based on clinical observations, on avarice. The elementary functions of know- ledge (perception, memory, and association of representations), its com- plex manifestations (imagination, judgment, general notions), and the atrophy of altruistic feelings, as they appear in this " distinctly morbid passion," are carefully and clearly described and analysed by a physician
who is also a psychologist.] G-. Prevost. ' La Religion du doute.'