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REVUE NEO-SCOLASTIQUE. Fevrier, 1905. L. Noel. ' The Principle of Determinism.' [Determinism rests on abstractions : all spontaneity, all liberty, is shut out from the abstract ground to which science has chosen to confine herself.] E. van Roey. ' Money according to St. Thomas Aquinas.' H. Gruyot. ' The Generation of Intelligence by the One ac- cording to Plotinus.' [Plotinus attempts an untenable via media between pantheism and creationism.] D. Nys. ' Cosmological Theories.' Re- view of P. Brunetiere's ' Utilisation of Positivism ' (for proof of Christi- anity). Mai, 1905. L. Noel. ' The Principle of Determinism.' C. Fiat. ' God according to Plato.' [A world-soul, ruled by the vision of the Good, forming and upholding nature.] E. van Roey. 'St. Thomas's View of Money.' E. Legrand replies to an article by M. Paulhan in the Revue Philosophique on the ' Immorality of Art '. Mgr. Battifol is quoted as calling Leo XIII. 's Encyclical on the study of St. Thomas (Aeterni Patris, 4th August, 1879) " a declaration of the rights of pure reason " against the current philosophies of Traditionalism, Idealism, Positivism, and Immanence. Mgr. Battifol further says, " Scholasticism ought to apply itself to the study of natural science, without which all notion of life or soul becomes an a priori speculation that can no longer take hold on men's minds ". Aout, 1905. J. Cevolani. ' Can any Conclusion Follow from Two Negative Premises ? ' [Against Rosmini.] C. Piat. 'God According to Plato.' D. Nys. 'Cosmological Theories.' D. Mercier. 'The Tendency of Scholasticism.' [Founded on experience of the University of Louvain. Lectures should be in French, with some repetition in Latin. Order of subjects : Logic as an art merely, Cos- mology, Psychology, Metaphysics, Natural Theology, Science of Logic, Moral and Political Philosophy, History of Philosophy.] Novembre, 1905. S. Deploige. 'The Conflict of Moral Science with Sociology.' [Whether Ethics are a normative science.] E. Janssens. 'A Problem in Pascal.' [Can the Pensees be re-arranged into a complete Apology for Christianity, or is it impossible " de refaire une oeuvre qui d'ailleurs ne fut jamais faite " '?] P. v. Canwelaert. ' Contemporary Theories of the Relation of Soul and Body.' C. Sentroul and J. Cevolani. [Further discussion on the rule that two negative premises yield no conclusion.] REVUE DE PHILOSOPHIE. 1 Deceuibre, 1905. M. Se'rol. ' Analysis of Attention.' ["Attention, especially internal attention or reflexion, is truly the most human form of our activity ; all our powers labour thereat under the authority of the master faculties ; hence it may be said that the. education of man has no other aim than the triumph of attentive and re- flective activity over the brute automatism of images and passions ; which shows the advantage that pedagogy may draw from the psy- chology of attention. "] C. Boncaud. ' Personal Initiative and Social Authority, an Outline of Juridical Philosophy. ' Dr. de Buck. ' The Associationist versus the Intellectualist Theory in Mental Pathology.' .[" Objectively, biologically speaking, and not on mere grounds of internal observation, we are led to admit in man an organ of apperception."] N. Vaschide. ' Human Personality.' [A long and laudatory analysis of the late Mr. Myers's work, which is being translated into French.] ler Fevrier, 1906. A. Sertillanges. ' Agnosticism or Anthropomorph- ism '? ' [The question is, what we can know of God nothing at all or merely a magnified humanity ? Both alternatives are rejected according to the teaching of St. Thomas.] L. Bailie. ' Genesis of First Prin- ciples.' ["Why does the principle of contradiction assume a complex fornii'"] M. Qossard. 'Outlines of a Scholastic Synthesis of Morals.' [A highly luminous and suggestive essay on the teleology of the universe. ] J. Qardavi and A. Charousset. ' The Formation of Ideas. ' [Further

defence of intellectus agens.]

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