MIND ASSOCIATION. THE Sixth Annual General Meeting of the Association was held on 27th May last in King's College, Cambridge. Mrs. Bain was elected an Honorary Member of the Association in recognition of her late husband's services in founding and supporting MIND. It was resolved that the general meeting next year be in London in May or June. The following is the full list of the officers and members of the Association : OFFICEKS. President PBOF. CABVETH READ. Vice-Presidents PROPS. B. BOSANQUET, A. S. PBINGLE-PATTISON, W. B. SOBLEY, J. SULLY and J. WABD, DBS. E. CAIBD, S. H. HODGSON and H. BASHDALL. Editor PBOF. G. P. STOUT. Treasurer MB. F. C. S. SCHILLEB. Secretary MR. H. STUBT. Guarantors MESSBS. A. J. BALFOUB and B. B. HALDANE, Da. H. WILDE and MBS. HENRY SIDGWICK. MEMBEES. ADAM (J.) r Emmanuel College, Cambridge. ALEXANDER (Prof. S.), The University, Manchester. BAILLIE (Prof. J. B.), The University, Aberdeen. BAIN (Mrs.), Ferryhill Lodge, Aberdeen. Hon. Member. BALFOUB (Bt. Hon. A. J.), Whittingehame, Prestonkirk, N.B. BALL (S.), St. John's House, St. Giles, Oxford. BABKEB (H.), Cairnmuir Bd., Corstorphine, Midlothian. BEADNELL (Dr. C. M.), H.M.S. New Zealand, Atlantic Squadron, Medi- terranean. BEALE (Miss D.), Ladies' College, Cheltenham. BENECKE (E. C.), 174 Denmark Hill, S.E. BENETT (W.), Oatlands, Warborough, Wallingford. BENX (A. W.), II Ciliegio, San Gervasio, Florence, Italy. BERKELEY (Commander H.), Melfort Cottage, Boar's Hill, Oxford. BLUNT (H. W.), 183 Woodstock Boad, Oxford. BONAR (J.), 1 Bedington Boad, Hampstead, N.W. BOSANQUET (Prof. B.), St. Andrews, N.B. BRADLEY (F. H.) , Merton College, Oxford. BBEN (Bev. B.), 44 George Boad, Edgbaston, Birmingham. BROUGH (Prof. J.), University College, Aberystwyth.