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{An attack on Theism and defence of Naturalism in the form of a rather sarcastic criticism of the Metaphysik of Dr. Georg Runze.] Anna Tumarkin. ' Bericht iiber die deutsche asthetische Literatur aus den Jahren 1900-1905.' Neuste Erscheinungen, etc. PHILOSOPHISCHES JAHRBUCH. Bd. xviii., Heft 2. Dyroff. ' Das Ich und Einpfindung Vorstellung Bewusstseinslage." [Every separation be- tween the subject and the object of the Ego as feeling and the Ego as will necessarily entails contradiction. We can have no better mental image of the Ego than that of the word /; all others, however complex they may be, are inadequate.] Gutberlet. ' Die Lange-Ribotsche Gefiihlstheorie.' [In this paper the writer combats the doctrine that the various feelings of pain and pleasure fear, anger, sympathy, etc. are identical with their outward manifestations. They have, as a matter of fact, nothing in common with these bodily changes, but are quite apart ; although ac- companied by them and accompanying them, they are at an immeasur- able distance.] Schmidlin. ' Die Philosophic Ottos von Freising.' .[This is the first of a series of articles, destined to make known one of the earliest of Mediaeval German philosophers. In the present article, after a review of his general position as a philosopher, his attitude to- wards Aristotle is considered. Otto von Freising was one of the first of German students of Aristotle. Bd. xviii., Heft 3. Dyroff. ' Der Ich- gedanke.' [The writer passes in review the concept of the Ego, as under- stood by Aristotle and the Scholastics, down to Descartes, whose ' Cogito ergo sum,' and whose famous criterion of truth, first posited the Subject .as something different from Thought and Being, and the Subject as something necessarily related to both ; and whose confusion between these two ideas was the origin of all the confusion which has followed .since in the later schools of philosophical thought.] Adlhoch. ' Zum wissenschaftlichen Erklarung des Atheismus.' [This is the first of two articles. The writer asks : (1) Whether Atheism as a theoretical convic- tion, and not merely as a practical state of mind in which one does not care to think whether God exists or not, is possible. He answers, yes, most decidedly. (2) If so, how is such Atheism to be explained ? He answers : By the perversion of our natural tendency towards an absolute and incomprehensible Ultimate, which ought to be recognised, but which men refuse to recognise. In this article Atheism is demonstrated as a iaet, and the arguments of St. Anselm, St. Thomas, and in modern times of Gutberlet and Zigliara, against its possibility, are partly explained in the author's sense and partly refuted.] Schmidlin. ' Die Philosophic Ottos von Freising.' [The writer continues his account of Otto's philos- ophy, and compares him with the Realist, Gilbert de la Poree, whom he -follows in a good many points.] Bd. xviii., Heft 4. Adlhoch. ' Zur wissenschaftlichen Erklarung des Atheismus.' [After having shown in the previous number that not only practical, but also speculative Atheism is both possible and a fact, the writer shows how this comes to pass ; by a complete perversion and degradation of the mental faculties. This pro- ceeds from the tendency to deny the divinity of Christ : which produces an attitude of mind that must logically end in Atheism.] Haas. ' Uber den Unterschied, naherhin iiber den Unterschied von Wesenheit und Dasein.' [Here the different kinds of difference are enumerated, and the conclusion is that Essence and Existence are identical in the Infinite or Absolute Being, whereas in creatures there is a real (sachliche) difference be- iween them.] Holtum. ' Die scholast. Philosophic in ihrem Verhiiltnis r /.u Wissenschaft, etc.' [This paper gives the outline of a controversy between

Pather Diego and others. Father Diego is averse to scholastics following

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