is primarily interested in the sciences of human nature.] Chr. D. Pflaum. 'Bericht über die italienische philosophische Litteratur des Jahres, 1902.' [Treats with particular appreciation the works of Francesco de Sarlo and Benedetto Croce.] Recensionen, etc. Bd. cxxvi., Heft 1. Julius Bergmann. 'Das Verhältniss u.s.w.' (Schluss). Robert M. Wernaer. 'Die Einfühlung und das Symbol.' ['Einfühlung,' the most important of all terms in modern German aesthetics, has no single English equivalent. It stands for the mental process by which the spectator projects his own personality into an external object, living its life, and animating it with feelings like his own. Now, according to this paper, Lipps holds that 'Einfühlung,' so understood, is convertible with symbolisation, with the process whereby sensuous objects become invested with a spiritual significance. Wernaer, on the contrary, argues with great subtlety that in a symbol the material embodiment always remains inadequate to the spiritual content, and that its æsthetic perception is always accompanied by a consciousness of that inadequacy in the beholder; whereas in 'Einfühlung,' so long as it lasts, the commensurateness of the outward form to the inner meaning is complete. Only when we detach our personality from the æsthetic object and view it as an independent subject with a life of its own, does the consciousness of it as a symbol, with all the symbol's felt inadequacy to the charge of spiritual significance, come into play.] Anton Korwan. 'Zur Vertheidigung des Pantheismus Eduard von Hartmanns.' [Upholds the logical cohesion of Hartmann's theology against the theistic arguments of Andresen.]
Archiv für Systematische Philosophie. Neue Folge. Bd. xi., Heft 3, 23rd August, 1905. H. Leser. 'Über die Möglichkeit der Betrachtung von unten und von oben in der Kulturphilosophie.' [Deals with the problem of the relation and opposition between the science and the philosophy of religion. Critical estimation of the scientific point of view designed to show its ultimate inadequacy.] D. Adolf Müller. 'Quellen und Ziele sittlicher Entwickelung.' [Written rather from the point of view of the religious consciousness. Das Gewissen das Gewisseste im Menschen ist. Moral evolution presupposes persistent germs in human nature connecting it with unselfish spiritual powers. Human selfishness is rooted in the bodily organism, and man knows that he is the responsible ruler over the life of the body. It is the task of conscious beings to transform the impulses of sense into such moral impulses as may subserve the community of spirit.] Prof. Dr. J. J. Hoffmann. 'Exakte Darstellung aller Urteile und Schlusse.' [An effort to give these simple, exact, mathematical form. As examples: S is P is represented by S = unless the identity S = P is known. The hypothetical judgment by S||. Examples of the syllogism would occupy too much space.] Hermann Planck. 'Das Problem der moralischen Willensfreiheit.' [The entire essence of freedom consists in the power to rise above immediate feeling, to liberate other feelings, spiritual and moral, for comparison, to strengthen or weaken those already present by the power of imagination. Article endeavours to show the applicability of Karl Planck's abstract law of concentration and dissipation to the concrete sphere of morals. We can grasp the possibility of unselfish motives, as the real source of the moral law, by viewing each incorporation of one ego with another as a manifestation of the positive side of this universal law of motion.] Eugen Fosch. 'Über einige rnetaphysische Ansichten.'