activity feelings.] M. Wertheimer. ' Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Tatbestandsdiagnostik.' [Seeks to answer the question whether one can, by experimental methods, discover that a given person knows or doea not know of a given set of circumstances. The method is that of uncon- strained associations, a word being shown and the reactor answering by another word. There are five groups of experiments : entirely uncon- trolled preliminary series ; series based on given circumstances unknown to the reactor ; series based on known circumstances ; the same, with instructions to the reactor to conceal his knowledge ; and introspective series. Analysis of results leads to an affirmative answer to the general question. Conditions of temporal and qualitative abnormality of critical reactions are association, persistence, Einstellung, and affective and volitional phenomena.] O. Kohnstamm. ' Intelligenz und Anpassung : Entwurf zu einer biologischen Darstellung der seelischen Vorgange.' [Author's summary, largely terminological, of paper in Ann. d. Naturphil. t 1903.] H. Hielscher. ' Volker- und individual-psychologische Unter- suchungen zur alteren griechischen Philosophic. n.' [Pythagoras, Xenophanes, Parmenides, Melissus, Zeno, Heraclitus.] W. Peters. ' Der 5 te internationale Psychologenkongress in Rom, 26, bis 30. .A pril, 1905.' Referate. E. Duerr. 'Beitrage zur Erkenntnispsychologie in der erkenntnistheoretischen und psychologischen Literatur der Jahre 1 902-1904.' Einzelbesprechungen. KANT-STUDIEN. Bd. x., Heft 3. This number is devoted to the celebration of the centenary of Schiller's death. It is prefaced by a reproduction in colours of the portrait of Schiller by Gerhard v. Ktigelgen, and also gives two other portraits in black and white. Rudolf Eucken. ' Was konnen wir heute aus Schiller gewinnen ? ' [The chief ills of our present-day civilisation, its mechanising of life and its pessimism, find their remedy in the teaching of Schiller.] F. A. Schmid. ' Schiller als theoretischer Philosoph.' [An historical account of the development of Schiller's philosophical views.] Jonas Cohn. 1 Das Kantische Element in Goethes Weltanschauung.' [This is a most interesting and valuable article. Cohn seeks to show to what extent and in what manner Goethe, under the influence of Schiller, assimilated the teaching of Kant in the several departments of epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, and philosophy of religion.] Bruno Bauch. ' Schiller und die Idee der Freiheit.' H. Vaihinger. ' Zwei Quellenfunde zu Schillers philosophischer Entwickelung.' [(i.) A dissertation De Origine Characteris Animi presented at the Karlsschule in 1784. Schiller's name occurs among the list of respondents. (n.) A Freimaurerliederbuch, pub- lished in 1784, quite possibly inspired Schiller's Lied an die FreudeJ} W. Windelband. ' Schillers transscendentaler Idealismus.' [In this excellent article Windelband defines Schiller's exact contribution to the development of Kant's transcendental Idealism.] ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHILOSOPHIE UND PHILOSOPHISCHE KRITIK. Bd. cxxv., Heft 2. Julius Bergmann. 'Das Verhaltniss des Fiihlens, des Begehrens und des Wollens zum Vorstellen und Bewusstsein.' [A long and difficult study which, with its continuation in the following number, fills eighty pages of the review. The lamented author, who belonged to the school of Objective Idealism, treats desire as a species of representa- tion.] A. Hoffmann. 'Zur geschichtlichen Bedeutung der Naturphil- osophie Spinozas.' [Spinoza owed more to Hobbes than to Descartes, being particularly indebted to him for his confidence in the geometrical
method. In physical science he follows Descartes, but, like Hobbes, he