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the aesthetic and the moral activities. Genuine aesthetic pleasure, far from being an obstacle to morality, as some think, rather stimulates, through its nobleness and purity, to virtuous effort, and constitutes a transition from the satisfaction of a basely selfish existence to the joys of moral life. ] Revue G&n&rale : C. G. Picavet. ' Le Materialisme his- torique et son evolution.' [Shows, in analysing the writings of Marx and Engels principally, the continuous development of the doctrine of historical materialism.] Analyses et cornptes rendus. Revue des Periodiques etrangers. ARCHIVES DB PSYCHOLOGIE. Tome iv., Nos. 3 and 4. E. Claparede. ' Esquisse d'une theorie biologique du sommeil.' [Sleep is a defensive function, an instinct which aims, in rendering the animal inert, to pre- vent it from reaching the stage of exhaustion.] R. Senet. ' Quelques considerations sur la nyctophobie chez les enfants.' [In most cases, nyctophobia is simply a collateral phobia ; in the rest, it is not a fear of darkness, but of that which the darkness may conceal.] A. Lemaitre. 'A. propos des suicides de jeunes gens.' A. Degalier. ' Notes psycho- logiques sur les negres pahouins. ' Recueil de faits : Documents et Discussions. P. Bovet et H. Jaccard. ' Exemples de travail utile pendant le reve.' T. Jonckheere. ' Le 2eme Conference Beige pour V Amelioration du Sort de 1'Enfance Anormale.' Bibliographic. Notes diverses. [Necrology : Marc Thury.] Tome v., No. 1. W. James. ' La notion de conscience. ' [Consciousness, as ordinarily understood, no more exists than matter does. Certain experiences, within the whole of experience, play the part of. things known ; certain others, the part of knowing subjects ; the distinction is functional only, not ontological, and things and thoughts are both made up of the same stuff, namely, the material of experience in general.] E. Claparede. ' La psychologic comparee est elle legitime ? ' [Comparative psychology has the same right to existence that human psychology enjoys ; and recent attempts to replace it by a physiological conception and terminology have led to linguistic confusion and to over-simplification of mechanistic ideas.] F. Miller. ' Quelques faits d'imagination creatrice subconsciente : ' avec introduction par T. Flournoy. [Report of certain facts of instantaneous autosuggestion ; transcription and analysis of a dream poem, and of a hypnagogic poem and drama.] Bibliographic. Publications recues. Notes diverses. ZEITSCHEIFT FUR PSYCHOLOGIE UNO PHYSIOLOGIE DBR SINNESORGANE. Bd. xxxvii., Heft 3 and 4. P. Ephrussi. ' Experiruentelle Beitrage zur Lehre vom Gedachtnis. n.' [Experiments on the influence of rapidity of reading on memorising show that with the method of learning-by-heart (Krlerming) a quick reading, with the method of hits-and-misses (Treffer) a slow reading, is the more economical. The reason is that the latter method is the more sensitive to the reduction of associations by lapse of time.] R. P. Angler. ' Vergleichende Messung der kompensatorischen Rollungen beider Augen.' [Amount and direction of torsion are practic- ally the same for both eyes. Criticism of Delage.] E. Reimann. 'Die scheinbaren Vergrosserung der Sonne und des Mondes am Horizont.' [Explanation in terms of the atmosphere as a transparent medium.] Literaturbericht. Bd. xxxvii., Heft 5. GK Alexander and R. Barany. ' Psychophysiologische Untersuchungen tiber die Bedeutung des Stato- lithenapparates fiir die Orientierung irn Raume an Norrnalen und Taub- stummen, nebst Beitragen zur Orientierung rnittels taktiler und optischer Empfindungen. i.' [Report of experiments on direction of lines drawn

on forehead, and on visual determination of vertical, etc., with head or

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