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ideas finally sets up in man an organ which is the seat of the ego, of personality and will.] Reviews of L. M. Billia, Difendiamo la famiglia, and H. de Tourville, History of Private Association, where it is argued that the world belongs to the English-speaking races, who have not merged the family in the State. l er Septembre, 1905. L. Desvallees. ' Science and Reality.' [That " there is no science except of quantity," that "movement is refractory to science," that under scientific analysis quality passes into quantity, that change can only be viewed under the aspect of a number of static points.] V. Bernies. ' Obsessions and Possessions.' N. Vaschide. ' The International Congress of Psychology ' [at Rome, analysis of papers read, chiefly on experimental psychology]. ler Novembre, 1 905. Paul Hermant. ' Consciousness.' [The conscious, subconscious and unconscious elements of human nature.] F. Warrants, ' The Logic of Beauty. ' [Especially in architecture and music.] V. L. Bernies. ' The Origin of Ideas.' [An attempt to work Aristotelianism without any intellectus agens, deriving the cognition of substance and phenomena, cause and effect, from the mind's reflexion on itself as a per- manent something, underlying transient states. " Une impression sans sujet, une operation sans une force active, des phenomenes sans sub- stance et comme suspendus entre ciel et terre, ne sont-ce pas le plus flagrant de non-sens ? " A lucid and suggestive paper.] REVUE DE METAPHYSIQUE ET DE MORALE. 13e Annee, No. 4, July, 1905. A. Espinas. ' Xenophon : 1'^conomie naturelle et 1'imperialisme hel- lenique.' [" Xenophon est le seul philosophe grec qui ait reconnu sans restriction la legitimit^ de la proprie*te individuelle et glorifi^ la richesse. ... La Gyropedie continue V ficonomique ; c'est bien la I'lSconomie d'un faiseur d'empire pour lequel 1'empire n'est que 1'agrandissement de sa maison."] G. Belot. 'En quete d ; une morale positive (Suite).' [The first article of this series appeared in the January number.] M. Winter. 'Metaphysique et logique mathematique.' [The human understanding finds complete satisfaction in science. Metaphysics is legitimate only as a merely subjective and personal attempt to anticipate the ideal com- pletion of science.] P. Boutroux. ' Correspondance mathematique et relation logique.' [A continuation of the discussion started at the Genevan Congress. Gf. Revue for November, 1904.] P. Iiaoombe. ' Taine historien litteraire.' [A discussion of the underlying assumptions of Taine's literary criticism. " Taine a vu 1'homme, sous un angle singulierement etroit, ce qui fait qu'il a terriblement simplifie 1'histoire."] G. Lanson. ' Le droit du pere de famille et le droit de 1'enfant.' [An interesting discussion with special reference to the political aspects of the education problem.] Livres nouveaux, etc. 13 e Annee. No. 5. September, 1905. L. Brunschvicg. 'Spinoza et ses contemporains.' [This is an excellent article. Brunschvicg seeks to characterise in their individuality the philosophies of Pascal and Malebranche, reconstructing that personal atmosphere which colours each system, and which the historians of philosophy, bent on determining their logical affiliations, have more or less ignored. Each system is then compared and con- trasted with that of Spinoza.] G. Dwelshauvers. ' De 1'individualite (dialogue philosophique). '. [Consciousness of self can be explained neither as feeling nor as memory nor as striving after self-maintenance, but only as a harmony which depends for its transitory existence on its connexion with that harmonious system of relations which we name reason and which does not itself possess individual being.] G. Belot. 'En quete d'une morale positive.' [Continued from the July number.] C. Hemon reviews Sully- Prudhomme's 'La vraie religion selon Pascal ' ; and Bernes continues the discussion on the religious education of children.

Livres nouveaux, etc.

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