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PAGE Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale (13e Annee, No. 4, July, 190514e Annee, No. 4, July, 1906) . . 131, 438, 583 Revue de Philosophic (Aout, 1905 Aout, 1906) . . 130, 285, 436, 581 Revue Nfo-Scolastique (Fevrier, 1906 Mai, 1906) . . 435, 581 Revue Philosophique de la France et de V Stranger (30ieme annee, No. 9, Septembre, 1905 31ime annee, No. 8, Aoflt, 1906) 132, 286, 436, 582 Rivista Filosofica (Anno vii., May-June, 1905 Anno viii., May-June, 1906) 291, 443, 586 Vicrtfljahrsschriftfilr Wissenschaftliche Philosophic und Soziologie (Jahrgang xxix., Heft 4 Jahrgang xxx., Heft 2) . ^ 291, 442, 585 Zeitschrift fttr Asthetik und allgemeine Kunstwissen- schaft (Bd. i., Heft 1, M 5) 4*0 Zeitschrift fiir Philosophic und Philosophische Kritik (Bd. cxxv., Heft 2 Bd. cxxvii., Heft 1) . . . 137, 442 Zeitschrift fiir Psychologic (Bd. xxxvii., Heft 3 Bd. xlii., Heft 1) 134, 288, 438, 584 NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE. Kuox, HOWARD V. Mr. Bradley and Self-Contradiction . . . 141 "Mind" Association, Annual Meeting of, and Full List of Officers and Members 145 " Mind " Association, New Members of ...... 292 POINCARE, M. (Letter by). M. Poincare's Science et Hypotfase . . 141 Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters (Gold Medal Competi- tion) 444 RUSSELL, B. Reply to M. Poincare's Letter 143 SHEARMAN, A. T. Mr. MacColl's Views on Logical Existence . . 143 WOLSTENHOLME, H. V. Note on Fisher's Translation of Hoffding's

Philosophische Probleme 587

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