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PAGE LODGE, Sir OLIVER. Life and Matter; a Criticism of Professor HaeckeVs Riddle of the Universe ' 269 LOEB, J. Studies in General Physiology 419 MACK, J. Kritik der Freiheitstheorien 572 MITCHELL, A. About Dreaming, Laughing and Blushing . . . 109 MOLLEB, Dr. (see Psychologische Forschung, Schriften der Gesellschaft filr). MORGAN, C. LLOYD. The Interpretation of Nature .... 269 NORTHCOTE, H. Christianity and Sex Problems 425 PASTORE, A. Logica Formale dcdotta dalla considerazione di inodelli meccanici 277 PATON, S. Psychiatry : A Text-Book for Students and Physicians . 265 PILLSBURY, W. B. L'attention. Bibliothtque internal, de psych, ex- perimentale ........... 425 PORENA, M. Che Cos' e il Bella ? Schema d'un Estetica Psicologica . 430 Psychologische Forschung, Schriften der Gesellschaft filr (Hef t 15) . 119 PUFFER, E. D. The Psychology of Beauty 263 BAND, B. (see Baldwin, J. M.). BIBOT, Th. La Logique des Sentiments 274 SCHMABSOW, A. Grundbegriffe der Kunstu-issenschaft .... 277 SCHBADEB, E. Elemente der Psychologie des Urteils; vol. i. Analyse des Urteils 116 SCHULTZ, J. Die Bilder.von der Materie. Eine psychologische Unter- suchung ilber die Grundlagen der Physik 114 SCHULTZ, P. Gehirn und Seele 574 W. Pythagoras und Heraklit (Studien zur antiken Kultur, Heftl) 121 SENTBOUL, C. L'Objet de la Metaphysique selon Kant et selon Aristote 113. STEIN, L. Die Anfange der menschlichen Kultur : Einfilhrung in die Soziologie 574 STEBBETT, J. M. The Freedom of Authority : Essays in Apologetics . 261 STORE, V. F. Development and Divine Purpose 425 STUABT-GLENNIE, J. S. Sociological Studies 566 THOMAS, N. W. Thought Transference ; a Critical and Historical Review of the Evidence for Telepathy, with a Record of New Experiments, 1902-3 266- THOMAS, N. W. Crystal Gazing, Its History and Practice, etc. (Intro- duction by Andrew Lang) 266 VILLA, G. L'idealismo moderno 122 WALLIN, J. E. W. Optical Illusions of Reversible Perspective . . 270 PHILOSOPHICAL PEBIODICALS. American Journal of Psychology (vol. xiv., No. 3 vol. xvii., No. 3) 127, 282, 434, 578 ArchivfUr die Gesammte Psychologie (Bd. v., Heft 3 Bd. vi., Heft 4) 136, 290, 439 Archiv fttr Systematische Philosophie (Bd. xi., Heft 3 Bd. xii., Heft 2) 138, 441, 585 Archives de Psychologie (Tome iv., No. 3 Tome v. , No. 2) 134, 287 British Journal of Psychology (vol. i., part 4, Oct., 1905) 283 International Journal of Ethics (vol. xvi., No. 1 vol. xvi.,No. 4) 130,434,581 Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods (vol. ii., No. 2 vol. iii., No. 17) . . 128, 283, 578 Kant-Studien (Bd. x., Heft 3 Bd. xi., Heft 2) . . 137, 440, 585 Philosophical Revieiv (vol. xiv., No. 3 vol. xv., No. 4) . 125, 281, 433, 577 Philosophisdws Jahrbuch (Bd. xviii., Heft 2) . . 139

Psychological Review (vol. xii., No. 4 vol. xiii., No. 4) . 126, 282, 433, 577

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