ARTICLES. PAGE BOSANQOET, B. Contradiction and Reality 1 BRADLEY, F. H. On Floating Ideas and the Imaginary . . . 445 DF.WEY, J. The Experimental Theory of Knowledge .... 293 FOSTON, HUBEKT. The Constitution of Thought 486 LOVEJOY, A. 0. Kant's Antithesis of Dogmatism and Criticism - . 191 MAcCoLL, HUGH. Symbolic Reasoning 504 MACKENZIE, J. S. The New Realism and the Old Idealism . . 308 MARSHALL, H. R. Presentation and Representation .... 53 McDouoALL, W. Physiological Factors of the Attention-Process (IV.) (conclusion) 32? SCHILLER, F. C. S. The Ambiguity of Truth IP SMITH, NORMAN. Avenarius' Philosophy of Pure Experience (I.) (II.) - VAILATI, G. A Study of Platonic Terminology ..... WATSON, FOSTER. The Freedom of the Teacher to Teach Religion . c WINCH, W. H. Psychology and Philosophy of Play (I.) ii- . . . r DISCUSSIONS. r HCSIK, I. Aristotle on the Law of Contradiction and the Basis of the * n Syllogism 2m PRICHARD, H. A. Appearance and Reality SCHILLER, F. C. S. Pragmatism and Pseudo- Pragmatism . SPILLER, GDSTAV. Wundt and " Pure Self-Observation " . STKWART, J. A. Plato's Doctrine of Ideas RCSSELL, B. The Nature of Truth - TAYLOR, A. E. Truth and Consequences ^9 CRITICAL NOTICES. ALIOTTA, A. La Misura in Psicologia Spcrimentale (C. S. Myers) . 559 CALKINS, MARY WHITON. Dcr doppelte Standpunkt in der Psycho- logic (W. R. Boyce Gibson) 10G FuLL7.;RTON, G. S. A System of Metaphysics (D. S. Miller) ... 230 GALLOWAY, G. Studies in the Philosophy of Religion (H. R. Mackin- tosh) 397 JOACHIM, H. H. The Nature of Truth (R. K A. Hoernle) ... 546 MACCOLL, H. Symbolic Logic and Its Applications (B. Russell) . 255 McTAGGART, J. M. E. Some Dogmas of Religion (H. Rashdall) . . 534
MERCIER, C. Criminal Responsibility (W. McDougall) ... 407