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beneath the swan's wings. She added how, in a satyr's image hidden, Jove filled lovely Antiope with twin offspring; how he was Amphitryon when he cheated thee, Alcmena; how in a golden shower he tricked Danaƫ; Aegina, as a flame; Mnemosyne, as a shepherd; Deo's daughter, as a spotted suake. Thee also, Neptune, she pictured, changed to a grim bull with the Aeolian maiden; now as Enipeus thou dost beget the Aloidae, as a ram deceivedst Bisaltis, he golden-haired mother of corn, most gentle, knew thee as a horse; the snake-haired mother of the winged horse knew thee as a winged bird; Melantho knew thee as a dolphin. To all these Arachne gave their own shapes and appropriate surroundings. Here is Phoebus like a countryman; and she shows how he wore now a hawk's feathers, now a lion's skin; how as a shepherd he tricked Macareus' daughter, Isse; how Bacchus deceived Erigone with the false bunch of grapes; how Saturn in a horse's shape begot the centaur, Chiron. T'he edge of the web with its narrow border is filled with flowers and clinging ivy intertwine Not Pallas, nor Envy himself, could find a flaw in that work. The golden-haired goddess was in dirnant at her success, and rent the embroidered web with its heavenly crimes; and, as she held a shuttle of Cytorian boxwood, thrice and again she struck Idmonian Arachne's head. The wretched girl could not endure it, and put a noose about her bold neck. As she hung, Pallas lifted her in pity, and said Live on, indeed, wicked girl, but hang thou still; and let this same doom of punishment that thou mayst fear for future times as well) be eclared upon thy race, even to remote posterity. So saying, as she turned to go she sprinkled her with 0

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