glasses,' and he filled them incessantly. 'Who made you such half-wet birds,' said he at intervals, 'Come, another glass, look at me, and do as I do.'
"These phrases, and many others, had due effect. Fanfan and I were pretty well done up; he particularly. 'M. Belle-Rose, is it very far to the colonies, Chanbernagor, Seringapatam? Are they very far off?' he repeated, from time to time, and he imagined himself already embarked, so completely was he imbued with the flourishing accounts. 'Patience,' said Belle-Rose, at length, 'and we shall get there; and in the mean time I am going to tell you a story. One day, when I was on guard at the governor's
'—'One day, when he was governor,' said Fanfan. 'Hold your peace,' said Belle-Rose, putting his hand upon his mouth—'it was only when I was a private,' he continued. 'I was quietly seated in front of my sentry-box, reposing on a sofa, when my negro, who carried my gun,—you must know that in the colonies every soldier has his male and female slave, as we might here have domestics of both sexes; only that you may do with them what you please; and if it be your pleasure, you may kill them as you would a fly; for you have power of life and death over them. As for the woman, you do what you please with her;—I was on guard, as I just told you, and my negro was carrying my gun '"M. Belle-Rose had scarcely got so far, when a soldier in full dress entered the room, and gave him a letter, which he opened with haste. 'It is from the minister of the marine,' said he; 'M. de Sartine tells me, that the service of the king summons me to Surinam. The devil!' added he, addressing Fanfan and me, 'how awkward it is; I did not think of quitting so soon; but as they say, he who reckons without his host, reckons twice: never mind.'
"Belle-Rose then taking his glass in his right hand, knocked several times on the table, and whilst the