cepted the challenge, and took the first paper that came to hand and made the order in question, without putting any signature to it; that he left it on the table; that Vidocq obtained it, and that it is the same order through which Boitel's escape was effected.
"That as to André Bordereau, not apprehended, it appears that he must have known of the forgery, because the day Boitel got out of prision he went to deliver a letter to Stofflet from Herbaux, and the day after Bortel's escape he visited him at Annoulin, whither Boitel had fled.
"It results from all these details, attested by the said documents and indictments, that a forgery of a public and authentic paper has been committed; and that by virtue of this forgery the said Sebastien Boitel escaped from the house of confinement called St Peter's Tower, at Lille, where he was confined under custody of the jailor; that this escape took place the third Frimare last; a double crime, on which, according to the penal code, the jury will have to decide, if there be any accusation against the said Boitel, Stofflet, Vidocq, Coquelle, Grouard, Herbaux, and Bordereau, by reason of the offences committed, mentioned in this indictment.
"Given at Cambrai, the twenty-eighth Vendemiaire, in the fifth of the Republic, one and indivisible."
"The declaration of the jury of the criminal court of the division of Cambrai from the sixth Brumaire to the fifteenth, written below the indictment, and stating that there is a criminal charge made out as mentioned in the said indictment.
"The order of seizure, made by the director of the jury of the said division the same day, against the said Sebastien Boitel, César Herbaux, Eugène Stofflet, François Grouard, and François Vidocq.
"The procès-verbal of the return of these persons