infinite were the encomiums they received from foreign countrys; in a great mesure owing to the superior capacity, & unbounded merit of so illustrious a president. nor is it to be forgotten, that at the same time Sr. Hans Sloan & Dr. Halley were secretarys; a triumvirate of the greatest names in the commonwealth of philosophy. then were distinguishd ornaments of the Society the noble Thomas Earl of Pembroke, who had been president, Sr. Christopher Wren, who had been president, Dr. Keils, monsieur de Moivre, Dr. Cotes, Dr. Tancred Robinson, Dr. Mead, Dr. Friend, Dr. Sherard, who founded the botanic salary at Oxford, Dr. Woodward who founded that of natural philosophy at Cambridg, Dr. Flamsted, Mr. Roger Gale, Dr. Pound, Mr. Derham, Dr. Brook Taylor. Dr. Desaguliers, Mr Graham,
&c., a galaxy of shining genius's, each in their several branches of knowledg illuminating the whole hemisphere of arts, & sciences!
Sr. Isaac, in the latter part of his days, thro' age, & a sedentary life, had somewhat of a relaxation of the sphincter of the bladder: so that he was