Special Writers
William Guild Howard, A.M., Assistant Professor of German, Harvard University:
The Life of Heinrich Heine; The Life of Franz Grillparzer.
Walteb R. Spalding, A.B., Associate Professor of Music, Harvard University: Beethoven as a Letter Writer.
George Henry Danton. Ph.D., Professor of German, Butler College, and Annina Pebiam Danton :
The Jewess of Toledo.
Theodore A. Miller, Ph.D.:
Alfred Remt, A.M., Professor of Modern Languages, Brooklyn Commercial High School:
The Poor Musician ; My Journey to Weimar.
Charles Wharton Stork, Ph.D., Instructor in English, University of Penn- sylvania :
The Passion Flower: Songs (Xo. 2) ; A Lyrical Intermezzo (Nos. 10, 11, and 15); A New Spring (No. 2).
Charles Godfrey Leland:
The Journey to the Harz; Boyhood Days; English Fragments; Lafayette; The Romantic School; The Rabbi of Bacharach.
Sir Theodore Martin:
Dedication; The Pilgrimage to Kevlaar; The Sphinx; etc.
Alma Strettell:
Poor Peter.
W. H. Furness:
The Two Grenadiers.
Kate Freiligrath-Kroeker:
Twilight; Hail to the Sea; In the Harbor; etc.
John Todhunter:
Margaret Armour:
Abroad; Germany; The Battlefield of Hastings; The Asra.
J. S. Shedlock:
Beethoven's Letters.
T. Brooksbank:
Songs (No. 3); Sonnets (No. 1); A Lyrical Intermezzo (No. 8).
Lord Houghton :
Enfant Perdu.