The Romantic Philosophers — Fichte, Schellinig, and Schleiennacher. By Frank Thilly 1
Friedrich Schleiermacher
On the Social Element in Religion. Translated by George Ripley 19
Johann Gottlieb Fichte
The Destiny of Man. Translated by Frederic H. Hedge 31
Addresses to the German Nation. Translated by Louis H. Gray 69
Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling
On the Relation of the Plastic Arts to Nature. Translated by J. Elliot Cabot 106
Later German Romanticism. By George H. Danton 137^
Ludwig Achim von Arnim and Clemens Brentano
The Boy's Magic Horn. Selections translated by Margarete Münsterberg.
The Mountaineer 163
As Many as Sand-grains in the Sea 165
The Reaper 168
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Fairy Tales. Translated by Margaret Hunt.
The Frog King, or Iron Henry 170
The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids 174
Rapunzel .'.... 176
Haensel and Grethel 180
The Fisherman and His Wife 188
Ernst Moritz Arndt
Song of the Fatherland. Translated by H. W. Dulcken 197
Union Song. Translated by Margarete Miinsterberg 198
Theodor Körner
Men and Knaves. Translated by C. T. Brooks 201
Lützow's Wild Band. Translated by Herman Montagu Donner 202
Prayer During Battle. Translated by C. T. Brooks 204