Special Writers
Benjamin W. Wells, Ph.D., Author of Modern German Literature:
The Life of Jean Paul. James Taft Hatfield, Ph.D., Professor of the German Language and Litera- ture, Northwestern University: The Early Romantic School. Calvin Thomas, LL.D., Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Columbia University: Introduction to Lucinda.
JOHN S. Nollen, Ph.D., President of Lake Forest College: The Life of Heinrich von Kleist.
Hermann Hagedorn, A.B., Author of A Troop of the Guard, and Other Poems; Poems and Ballads, etc.: The Prince of Homburg.
Charles Wharton Stork, Ph.D., Instructor in English, University of Pennsylvania:
Though None Thy Name Should Cherish; To the Virgin; Hyperion's Song of Fate; Evening Phantasie.
Paul Bernard Thomas:
Lucinda; Fair Eckbert; Hymn to Night.
Frances H. King:
The Opening of the Will; Schiller and the Process of His Intellectual Development; Michael Kohlhaas.
Lillie Winter, A.B.:
The Story of Hyacinth and Roseblossom; Puss in Boots.
Louis H. Gray, Ph.D.:
Aphorisms (By Schlegel).
Thomas Carlyle:
Quintus Fixlein's Wedding.
C. T. Brooks: Rome.
John Black:
Lectures on Dramatic Art.
Frederic H. Hedge:
Aphorisms (By Novalis) ; The Elves.