cheerfully, as ever I have done since we first met. All good go with you, Tom!—I—"
"You leave me so? You can leave me so, can you?" said Tom.
"I—you—you have chosen for yourself, Tom! I—I hope it was a rash choice," Martin faltered. "I think it was. I am sure it was! Good bye!"
And he was gone.
Tom led his little sister to her chair, and sat down in his own. He took his book, and read, or seemed to read. Presently he said aloud: turning a leaf as he spoke: "He will be very sorry for this." And a tear stole down his face, and dropped upon the page.
Ruth nestled down beside him on her knees, and clasped her arms about his neck.
"No Tom! No no! Be comforted! Dear Tom!"
"I am quite—comforted," said Tom. "It will be set right."
"Such a cruel, bad return!" cried Ruth.
"No no," said Tom. "He believes it. I cannot imagine why. But it will be set right."
More closely yet, she nestled down about him; and wept as if her heart would break.
"Don't. Don't," said Tom. "Why do you hide your face, my dear!"
Then in a burst of tears, it all broke out at last.
"Oh Tom, dear Tom, I know your secret heart. I have found it out; you couldn't hide the truth from me. Why didn't you tell me I am sure I could have made you happier, if you had! You love her Tom, so dearly!"
Tom made a motion with his hand as if he would have put his sister hurriedly away; but it clasped upon hers, and all his little history was written in the action. All its pathetic eloquence was in the silent touch.
"In spite of that," said Ruth, "you have been so faithful and so good, dear; in spite of that, you have been so true and self-denying, and have struggled with yourself; in spite of that, you have been so gentle, and so kind, and even-tempered, that I have never seen you give a hasty look, or heard you say one irritable word. In spite of all, you have been so cruelly mistaken. Oh Tom, dear Tom, loved as no other brother can be, will this be set right too! Will it Tom! Will you always have this sorrow in your breast: you who deserve to be so happy: or is there any hope!"
And still she hid her face from Tom, and clasped him round the neck, and wept for him, and poured out all her woman's heart and soul in the relief and pain of this disclosure.
It was not very long before she and Tom were sitting side by side, and she was looking with an earnest quietness in Tom's face. Then Tom spoke to her thus: cheerily, though gravely.
"I am very glad, my dear, that this has passed between us. Not because it assures me of your tender affection (for I was well assured of that, before), but because it relieves my mind of a great weight."
Tom's eyes glistened when he spoke of her affection; and he kissed her on the cheek.
"My dear girl," said Tom: "with whatever feeling I regard her;"