rassed to see them; and when Tom was about to go into the room where he was breakfasting, said he had a stranger there. It appeared to be a mysterious stranger, for John shut that door as he said it, and led them into the next room.
He was very much delighted, though, to see Mark Tapley; and received Martin with his own frank courtesy. But Martin felt that he did not inspire John Westlock with any unusual interest; and twice or thrice observed that he looked at Tom Pinch doubtfully; not to say compassionately. He thought, and blushed to think, that he knew the cause of this.
"I apprehend you are engaged," said Martin, when Tom had announced the purport of their visit. "If you will allow me to come again at your own time, I shall be glad to do so."
"I am engaged," replied John, with some reluctance; "but the matter on which I am engaged is one, to say the truth, more immediately demanding your knowledge than mine."
"Indeed!" cried Martin.
"It relates to a member of your family, and is of a serious nature. If you will have the kindness to remain here, it will be a satisfaction to me to have it privately communicated to you, in order that you may judge of its importance for yourself."
"And in the meantime," said Tom, "I must really take myself off, without any further ceremony."
"Is your business so very particular," asked Martin, "that you cannot remain with us for half an hour? I wish you could. What is your business, Tom?"
It was Tom's turn to be embarrassed, now: but he plainly said, after a little hesitation:
"Why, I am not at liberty to say what it is, Martin: though I hope soon to be in a condition to do so, and am aware of no other reason to prevent my doing so now, than the request of my employer. It's an awkward position to be placed in," said Tom, with an uneasy sense of seeming to doubt his friend, "as I feel every day; but I really cannot help it, can I, John"
John Westlock replied in the negative; and Martin, expressing himself perfectly satisfied, begged them not to say another word: though he could not help wondering very much, what curious office Tom held, and why he was so secret, and embarrassed, and unlike himself, in reference to it. Nor could he help reverting to it, in his own mind, several times after Tom went away, which he did as soon as this conversation was ended; taking Mr. Tapley with him, who, as he laughingly said, might accompany him as far as Fleet-street, without injury,
"And what do you mean to do, Mark?" asked Tom, as they walked on together.
"Mean to do, sir?" returned Mr. Tapley.
"Ay. What course of life do you mean to pursue?"
"Well, sir," said Mr. Tapley. "The fact is, that I have been a-thinking rather, of the matrimonial line, sir."
"You don't say so, Mark!" cried Tom.