walked down stairs into the parlour. There he found his intended son-in-law, whom he seized by both hands.
"Jonas!" cried Mr. Pecksniff, "Jonas! the dearest wish of my heart is now fulfilled!"
"Very well; I'm glad to hear it," said Jonas. "That 'll do. I say, as it ain't the one you 're so fond of, you must come down with another thousand, Pecksniff. You must make it up five. It's worth that to keep your treasure to yourself, you know. You get off very cheap that way, and haven't a sacrifice to make."
The grin with which he accompanied this, set off his other attractions to such unspeakable advantage, that even Mr. Pecksniff lost his presence of mind for the moment, and looked at the young man as if he were quite stupified with wonder and admiration. But he quickly regained his composure, and was in the very act of changing the subject, when a hasty step was heard without, and Tom Pinch, in a state of great excitement, came darting into the room.
On seeing a stranger there, apparently engaged with Mr. Pecksniff in private conversation, Tom was very much abashed, though he still looked as if he had something of great importance to communicate, which would be a sufficient apology for his intrusion.
"Mr. Pinch," said Pecksniff, "this is hardly decent. You will excuse my saying that I think your conduct scarcely decent, Mr. Pinch."
"I beg your pardon, sir," replied Tom, "for not knocking at the door."
"Rather beg this gentleman's pardon, Mr. Pinch," said Pecksniff. "I know you; he does not.—My young man, Mr. Jonas."
The son-in-law that was to be gave him a slight nod—not actively disdainful or contemptuous, only passively: for he was in a good humour.
"Could I speak a word with you, sir, if you please?" said Tom. "It's rather pressing."
"It should be very pressing to justify this strange behaviour, Mr. Pinch," returned his master. "Excuse me for one moment, my dear friend. Now, sir, what is the reason of this rough intrusion?"
"I am very sorry, sir, I am sure," said Tom, standing, cap in hand, before his patron in the passage: "and I know it must have a very rude appearance—"
"It has a very rude appearance, Mr. Pinch."
"Yes, I feel that, sir; but the truth is, I was so surprised to see them, and knew you would be too, that I ran home very fast indeed, and really hadn't enough command over myself to know what I was doing very well. I was in the church just now, sir, touching the organ for my own amusement, when I happened to look round, and saw a gentleman and lady standing in the aisle listening. They seemed to be strangers, sir, as well as I could make out in the dusk: and I thought I didn't know them: so presently I left off, and said, would they walk up into the organ-loft, or take a seat No, they said, they wouldn't do that; but they thanked me for the music they had heard—in fact," observed Tom, blushing—"they said, 'Delicious music!' at least, she did; and I am sure that was a greater pleasure and honour to me, than any com-