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Reason (q.v.) or Principle (or

Inner Self, Kendall), II. 2 ; IV. 1 ; V. 26; XII. 14, etc. = Adyos, Aliens, or even Ttvi AoyiK/;, V. 4; VIII. 7 (cp. &lt;/&lt;i)xi7, V. 32); Sidvoitt., VII. 64, 68; cou?, ix. 22; in. 16; x. 24; xn. 3; sometimes even of God, VII. 75; ix. 22 eojpi)fj.a, a truth pefceived in Science, I. 7, 4, 8; iv. 2; in Ethics = Sdyn, a principle or con viction; TO eeiaprjTiKov, the faculty of pure thought, x. 9 ; p. 375 a.8rjKov, TO = officium, duty. Among ra xaBrjKovTa., duty in the highest sense perfectly performed, is K&lt;XT- ap9&lt;afia (not used by M.). KO.TOP- ewo-eis, v. 14, are acts that are the outcome of right reason araArji/HS, VI. 30 (KaTaAa/xjSdveif, KaTaArjTTTtKo; (IX. 6), a/caTuAr)7rTO?) ; an important term in the Stoic philosophy meaning a " true com prehension " or " clear percep tion " of a thing, without which no right conduct in life is pos sible. See under o-vyKaTd0e&lt;ris dTopOiocns, see KaOrJKOv iVqcris, motion = change, v. 10 ; in the flesh (Epicurus), ix. 41 ; of the senses, vm. 26; of the flesh (smooth or rough), x. 8 ; to anger, fear, etc., xi. 20 ; of the mind, vii 55; of virtue, vi. 17; )( o-xVis, vii. 60; xi. 2; tension (TOI/OS), VI. 38 OLI/O? and its kindred words occur over eighty times, and Marcus apparently coins the beautiful word Koii/oi/orjfiotrui i) (i. 16), which deserves to rank with the " loving- kindness" of Coverdale s Bible. See under Fellowship Kpi&gt;a, conviction, almost = Soy^a, iv 3, 2 ; judgment, v. 19 ; vm. 47 ; xi. 11 : cp. &lt;cpi o-i&lt;r, vi. 52, etc., the antecedent to w&gt;;, vm. 16, 28; of the Christians, XI. 3; = U7roY)/is W&gt;acT&lt;xo-i a), XI. 16, 18, 7 Adyos (AoyiKds), reason or the reason, I. 8 ; II. 10 ; IV. 13, 16, 19, 24, 30, 33; V. 8, 9, 14, 28; VI. 23, 30; vn. 8, 11, 24 ; vm. 48 ; ix. 10, 42 ; X. 31, 32 (i oCs Kai A.) ; right reason, (= virtue, Cic. Tusc. iv. 15. 34), m. 6, 12; xi. 9; xn. 35; civic reason, rv. 29; ix. 12; common to Gods and men, vn. 53 ; A. of Nature, iv. 29 ; v 32 ; vi. 58 ; vn. 10 ; common to all intelligent creatures, iv. 4 ; Vii. 9 ; = a man s self (T &lt; -nycfj-oviKov, q.v.), vm. 40 ; convincing reason n. 5 ; iv. 24 ; (TTrcp/uariKol Adyot, of the Universe into which all things are taken back = seminal principles, iv. 14, 21 ; vi 24 ; = A6yo5 only, vn. 10 ; x. 7; Aoyixos, applied to &lt;?oi&gt;, oiijo-is, self-conceit or illusion, iv. 12 ; ix. 34 ; XII. 27 oucovopto, iv. 19, 51 ; xi. 18, 5 ; management, and so policy, ex pediency, adaptation to circum stances, ulterior end, secondary purpose, and even finesse. We keep the double sense of the word in our " economy of truth " opefis, propension or inclination to wards a thing, of which the result is iipfiri and the incentive &lt;j&gt;avTa&lt;ria, ix. 7 : cp. vm. 28. )( eVKAio-is, vm 7. See under rraflo; op.uii = 4&gt;opa I//UX11? eri TI (Stqb. Ed. ii. 160), impulse of the mind to wards a thing (see i;psi&lt;r), result ing in a 7r&lt;i0os 6&lt;ri6r&gt;)s = SiKaio&lt;rvVr) irpb? Bfov, piety, sanctity, holiness ovtria, Substance or Being, some times = vA?), matter; )( I/&lt;UXT, iv. 40 dflos, the "affect " resulting through Treieris from opjurj, the second stage of &lt;"pefts, which depends itself on assent (auy/caTdetcrtir). Stobaeus defines it (Eel. ii. 164) as a mo tion of the Soul contrary to Na ture ; na9ooyelv. VIII. 13, to study

the va.8-1] = Ethics


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