Pol.—Hermann J. Polak,"In Marci Antonini Commentarios analecta critica," Hermes xxi. (1886), pp. 321–356, and Sylloge commentationum quam C. Conto obtulerunt philoloqi Batavi, Lugd. Bat., 1894, pp. 85–94.
Rend.—G. H. Randall, "On the text of M. Aurelius Antoninus τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν," Journal of Philology, xxiii., pp. 116–160.
Wilam.— Ulrich de Wilamowitz-Moellendorf, Griechisches Lesebuch ii., pp. 311–320. Berlin, 1902.
Hoffm.—P. Hoffmann, "Notes critiques sur Marc Aurèle," Revue de l'Instruction publique en Belgique, xlvii., 1904, pp. 11–23.
Sonny.—Adolf Sonny, "Zur Uebcrlieferung Geschichte von M. A.," Philogus 54, pp. 181–3.
Leop. J. H.—Leopold, "Ad M. Antonini commentaries." Mnemosyne xxxi., 1902, pp. 341–364; xxxiv., 1907, pp. 63–82. He also brought out a new edition of the Greek text for the Clarendon Press in 1911.
Fourn.—Paul Fournier, "Pensées de Marc Aurèle." Traduction d' Auguste Couat éditée par P. Fournier. Paris, 1904. There are numerous notes.
Rich.—Herbert Richards, "Notes on Marcus Aurelius," Classical Review, xix., Feb. 1905, pp. 18–21.
Kron.—A. J. Kronenberg, "Ad M. Antoninum," Classical Review, xix., July, 1905, pp. 301–3.
Schmidt.—Karl Fr. W. Schmidt, "Textkritische Bemerkungen zu Mark Aurel," Hermes, xlii. 1907, pp. 595–607.
Lemerc.—A. P. Lemercier, "Lea Pensees de Marc Aurèle," Paris, 1910, with notes and a good introduction.
Schenkl.—Heinrich Schenkl, a new edition of the Thoughts for the Teubner Press, 1913. The latest and most complete edition with valuable introductions and full indices. The same Editor has also published "Zur handscriftlichen Ueberlieferung von Marcus Antoninus" (Eranos Vinddbonensis, 1893), and "Zum erste Buche des Selbstbetrachtungen des Kaisers Marcus Antoninus" (Wiener Studien, 1912).