- 'He gave us a thousand messages to you."
- 'And where is Monsieur le Oorate going?" asked Grim-
aud, already recompensed by a smile from his master. "We are going home to Blois."
- 'How can that be?"
"At once?" said Eaoul. "Yes; right forward." "Without any luggage?" "Oh! Eaoul would have been instructed to forward me mine, or to bring it with him on his return, if he returns." "If nothing detains him longer in Paris," said D'Artag- nan, with a glance firm and cutting as steel, and as painful (for it reopened the poor fellow's wounds), "he will do well to follow you, Athos." "There is nothing to keep me any longer in Paris," said Eaoul. "Then we will go immediately," replied Athos. "And Monsieur d'Artagnan?" "Oh! as for me, I was only accompanying Athos as far as the barrier, and I return with Porthos." "Very good!" said the latter. "Come, my son," added the comte, gently passing his arm round Eaoul's neck to draw him into the carriage, and again embracing him. "Grimaud," continued the comte, "you will return quietly to Paris with your horse and Mon- sieur du Vallon's, for Eaoul and I will mount here and give up the carriage to these two gentlemen to return to Paris in; and then, as soon as you arrive, you will take my clothes and letters and forward the whole to me at home." "But," observed Eaoul, who was anxious to make the comte converse, "when you return to Paris there will not be a single thing there for you — which will be very in- convenient." "I think it will be a very long time, Eaoul, ere I return to Paris. The last sojourn we have made there has not been of a nature to encourage me to repeat it." Eaoul hung his head, and said not a word more. Athos descended from the carriage and mounted the horse which had brought Porthos, and which seemed no little pleased at the exchange. Then they embraced, clasped each other's hands, interchanged a thousand pledges of eternal friend- ship. Porthos promised to spend a month with Athos at the first opportunity. D'Artagnan engaged to take advantage of his first leave of absence; and then, having embraced Eaoul for the last time: