to himself, that he was quite right in so adopting it. A good means for effecting that — an almost infallible means, indeed — is to try and prove his victim to be in the wrong. Louis, brought up by Mazarin and Anne of Austria, knew better than any one else his vocation as a monarch; he, therefore, endeavored to prove it on the present occasion. After a few moments' pause, which he had employed in making silently to himself the same reflections which we have just expressed aloud, he said, in an indifferent tone: "What did the comte say?" "Nothing at all, sire." "Surely he did not allow himself to be arrested without saying something?" "He said he expected to be arrested, sire." The king raised his head haughtily. "I presume," he said, "that Monsieur le Comte de la Fere has not continued to play his obstinate and rebellious part?" "In the first place, sire, what do you term rebellious?" quietly asked the musketeer. "A rebel, in the eyes of the king, is a man who not only allows himself to be shut up in the Bastile, but still more, who opposes those who do not wish to take him there." "Who do not wish to take him there!" exclaimed the king. "What do you say, captain? Are you mad?" "I believe not, sire." "You speak of persons who did not wish to arrest Mon- sieur de la Fere. Who are those persons, may I ask?" "I should say those whom your majesty intrusted with that duty." "But it was you whom I intrusted with it!" exclaimed the king. "Yes, sire; it was me." "And yet you say that, despite my orders, you had the intention of not arresting the man who had insulted me!" "Yes, sire; that was really my intention. I even pro- posed to the comte to mount a horse that I had had pre- pared for him at the Barriere de la Conference." "And what was your object in getting this horse ready?" "Why, sire, in order that Monsieur le Comte de la Fere might be able to reach Havre, and from that place make his escape to England." "You betrayed me, then, monsieur?" cried the king, kindling with a wild pride. "Exactly so."