yon; with that horse you will be able to do three posts without stopping; and I, on my side, will take care not to return to the king, to tell him that you have gone away, until the very moment it will be impossible to overtake you. In the meantime, you will have reached Havre, and from Havre across to England, where you will find the charming residence of which Monsieur Monk made me a present, with- out speaking of the hospitality which King Charles will not fail to show you. Well, what do you think of this project?" Athos shook his head, and then said, smiling as he did so; "No, no; take me to the Bastile." "You are an obstinate-headed fellow, dear Athos," re- turned D'Artagnan; "reflect for a few moments." "Upon what?" "That you are no longer twenty years of age. Believe me, I speak according to my own knowledge and experience. A prison is certain death for men of our time of life. No, no; I will never allow you to languish in prison in such a way. Why, the very thought of it makes my head turn giddy." "Dear D'Artagnan," Athos replied, "Heaven, most for- tunately, made my body as strong, powerful, and enduring as my mind; and, rely upon it, I shall retain my strength up to the very last moment." "But this is not strength of mind or character; it is sheer madness." "No, D'Artagnan, it is the highest order of reasoning. Do not suppose that I should in the slightest degree in the world discuss the question with you, whether you would not be ruined in endeavoring to save me. I should have done precisely as you are doing if flight had been part of my plan of action; I should, therefore, have accepted from you what, without any doubt, you would have accepted from me. No; I know you too well even to breathe a word upon the subject." "Ah! if you would only let me do it," said D'Artagnan, "how I would send the king running after you!" "Still, he is the king; do not forget that, my dear friend." "Oh! that is all the same to me; and king though he be, I would plainly tell him, *Sire, imprison, exile, kill every one in France and Europe; order me to arrest and poniard even whom you like — even were it Monsieur, your own brother; but do not touch one of the four musketeers, or, if so, mordioux! — ■' " "My dear friend," replied Athos, with perfect calmness.