expressed words had done a few minutes before. Raoul rose, and went to the door, which he opened. "01ivi:*n," he said, "I am not within for any one." And then, turning toward Louise, he added, "Is not that what you wished?" Nothing could have produced a greater effect upon Louise than these few words, which seemed to signify, "You see that I still understand you." She passed a iaandkerchief across her eyes, in order to remove a rebellious tear which she could not restrain; and then, having col- lected herself for a moment, she said: "Kaoul, do not turn your kind, frank look away from me. You are not one of those men who despise a woman for having given her heart to another, even though her affec- tion might render him unhappy, or might wound his pride." Eaoul did not reply. "Alas!" continued La Valliere, "it is only too true, my cause is a bad one, and I cannot tell in what way to begin. It will be better for me, I think, to relate to you, very simply, everything that has befallen me. As I shall speak but the pure and simple truth, I shall always find my path clear before me in the obscurity, hesitation, and obstacles which I have to brave in order to solace my heart, which is full to overflowing, and wishes to pour itself out at your feet." Eaoul continued to preserve the same unbroken silence. La Valliere looked at him with an air that seemed to say, "Encourage me; for pity's sake, but a single word!" But Eaoul did not open his lips; and the young girl was obliged to continue: "Just now," she said, "Monsieur de St. Aignan came to me, by the king's directions." She cast down her eyes as she said this, while Eaoul, on his side, turned his away, in order to avoid looking at her. "Monsieur de St. Aignan came to me from the king," she repeated, "and told me that you knew all;" and she attempted to look Eaoul in the face, after inflicting this further wound upon him, in addition to the many others he had already received; but it was impossible to meet Eaoul's eyes. "He told me you were incensed with me — and justly so, I admit." This time Eaoul looked at the young girl, and a smile full of disdain passed across his lips. "Oh!" she continued, "I entreat you, do not say that you have had any other feeling against me than that of anger merely. Eaoul, wait until I have told you all — wait