Porthos spread himself out joyously and proudly. They remained in this state several minutes, Porthos smiling, and D' Artagnan looking at him. D' Artagnan was evidently trying to give the conversation a new turn. *'Do you amuse yourself much here, Porthos?'* he asked at last, very likely after he had found out what he was searching for. "Not always."
- 'I can imagine that; but when you get thoroughly bored,
by and by, what do you intend to do?" "Oh! I shall not be here for any length of time. Aramis is waiting until the last bump on my head disappears, in order to present me to the king, who I am told cannot endure the sight of a bump." "Aramis is still in Paris, then?" "No." "Whereabouts is he, then?" "At Fontainebleau." "Alone?" "With Monsieur Fouquet." "Very good. But do you happen to know one thing?" "No, tell it me, and then I shall know." "Well, then, I think that Aramis is forgetting you." "Do you really think so?" "Yes; for at Fontainebleau yonder, you must know, they are laughing, dancing, banqueting, and drawing the corks of Monsieur de Mazarin's wine in fine style. Are you aware that they have a ballet every evening?" "The deuce they have." "I assure you that dear Aramis is forgetting you." "Well, that is not at all unlikely, and I have myself thought so sometimes." "Unless he is playing you a trick, the sly fellow!" "Oh!" "You know that Aramis is as sly as a fox." "Yes; but to play me a trick " "Listen: in the first place, he puts you under a sort of sequestration." "He sequestrates me! Do you mean to say I am seques- trated?" "I think so." "I wish you would have the goodness to prove that to me." "Nothing easier. Do you ever go out?" "Never."
- 'Do you ever ride on horseback?'