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St. Aignan, at this remark, gave poor Malicorne a look, similar to one of those La Valliere had already given a quarter of an hour before, that is to say, he thought he had lost his senses. Monsieur," said Malicorne to him, "I wish to answer what you are thinking about." "What do you mean by 'what I am thinking about?' " "My reason is, that you have not clearly understood what I want to convey." "I admit it." "Well, then, you are aware that underneath the apart- ments set apart for madame's maids of honor the gentlemen in attendance on the king and on Monsieur are lodged." "Yes, I know that, since Manicamp, De Wardes, and others are living there." "Precisely. Well, monsieur, admire the singularity of the circumstance; the two rooms destined for Monsieur de Guiche are exactly the very two rooms situated underneath those which Mademoiselle de Montalais and Mademoiselle de la Valliere occupy." "Well, what then?" " 'What then,' do you say? Why, these two rooms are empty, since Monsieur de Guiche is now lying wounded at Fontainebleau." "I assure you, my dear monsieur, I cannot guess your meaning." "Well, if I had the happiness to call myself St. Aignan I should guess immediately." "And what would you do then?" "I should at once change the rooms I am occupying here for those which Monsieur de Guiche is not using yonder." "Can you suppose such a thing? said St. Aignan dis- dainfully. "What, abandon the chief post of honor, the proximity to the king, a privilege conceded only to princes of the blood, to dukes, and peers? Permit me to tell you, my dear Monsieur de Malicorne, that you must be out of your senses." "Monsieur," replied the young man seriously, "you commit two mistakes. My name is Malicorne, simply; and I am in perfect possession of all my senses." Then, draw- ing a paper from his pocket, he said: "Listen to what I am going to say; and afterward I will show you this paper." "I am listening," said St. Aignan. "You know that madame looks after La Valliere as care- fully as Argus did after the nymph lo."

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